8 corydoras adolfoi $50
Breeding pair of ?orange flash? apistos $40 5 fry can be thrown in as well
8 candy cane tetras $30
Live plants which include a java mat and 2 buce plants $30
Driftwood with Christmas moss attached $40
Rubbernose, clown pleco and 3 Siamese algae eaters $10
Buy all and you get it for $140 a savings of $60
Finnex 24/7 light $40
Breeding pair of ?orange flash? apistos $40 5 fry can be thrown in as well
8 candy cane tetras $30
Live plants which include a java mat and 2 buce plants $30
Driftwood with Christmas moss attached $40
Rubbernose, clown pleco and 3 Siamese algae eaters $10
Buy all and you get it for $140 a savings of $60
Finnex 24/7 light $40
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