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FREE pedestal sink and faucet


I still have this, would like to get rid of it...and more importantly...

A lot of people have had their houses get trashed in the last 2 weeks thanks to the weather. This is a PERFECTLY GOOD sink/faucet and I'm sure would help someone rebuild. So if you can somehow pick it up, it's yours. All I ask for in return is that you come with a vehicle. I can bring it out to the curb and help you get it in your car.

Seriously, if you're someone who got hit hard in this storm, come and get it. No $ involved.

2 1/2 year old white pedestal sink and attached faucet/taps. The pedestal is round, about 24" wide in diameter at its widest, and 20" front to back. Taps are American Standard, center set in chrome. I'm pretty sure the sink itself is American Standard as well. It's white porcelain. No noticeable damage etc. Just needs a little cleaning up and shining. I'm selling because I replaced it with a full vanity for more storage. The basin stopper is a bit're gonna want to fix that, but it's not hard if you know what you're doing.




Thanks for looking!

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Bump. Free to a good home, preferably to someone who needs it after the devastation of the storm. If you are someone, know someone, or are a contractor who can use this to help someone in need of a place to wash their hands and face, come and get it. I don't expect, or want, anything in return.

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