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Ive seen alot of members are also dog owners, i have a boxer breed and looking for experienced person that knows how to crop ears for this breed, thanks. Pls pm with info and contact number, looking for someone in the nyc area.


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I would not crop the ears as well, It does nothing for the dog and is only like getting plastic surgery that appeals to the owner. Most places stopped cropping ears and even the AKC and a lot of dog shows will not even allow a dog with cropped ears to enter. They can take up to 6 months heal and they don't always come out right. No matter how good the person is doing it.

Breakin Newz

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North NJ
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On boxers do they not use the tampon method instead of cropping? They keep the tampons tapped on the boxers ears for a certain amount of time eventually staying in the up position? Or am I missing something?


MR's Greatest Member
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On boxers do they not use the tampon method instead of cropping? They keep the tampons tapped on the boxers ears for a certain amount of time eventually staying in the up position? Or am I missing something?
No they cut them on the Boxers, Very few dogs do they use the " Tampon" method on or taping. And they are all small dogs. The most common is the Yorkie, They don't crop the ears on a yorkie but will tape them for a few months while the dog is young and the muscles are developing. The Boxers naturally have larger floppy ears, That have to be cut in order to crop.


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New York
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I have an uncropped boxer. Join boxerforums.org. There are a lot of show people there who can point you in the right direction. How old is the pup? If it's too old the ears will not stand. Please don't get a pit crop!

Oh and please post pictures of the pup.


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New York
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I would not crop the ears as well, It does nothing for the dog and is only like getting plastic surgery that appeals to the owner. Most places stopped cropping ears and even the AKC and a lot of dog shows will not even allow a dog with cropped ears to enter. They can take up to 6 months heal and they don't always come out right. No matter how good the person is doing it.

AKC standard for boxers is to have them docked (tail) and cropped (ears). But in Europe both are illegal. I hope the U.S. doesn't follow suit. :mad:

Also, if you got your boxer from a reputable breeder they should be able to refer you to a vet. Boxers have a lot of health problems so hopefully you didn't get it from a byb or pet store.


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Bridgewater, NJ
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But in Europe both are illegal. I hope the U.S. doesn't follow suit. :mad:

Just wondering why you hope that they don't follow suit? It seems a totally superfluous thing to do. Is there something that docking and cropping does to help the dog in any way?

Oh, and from what I read here, there is nothing in the breed standard that says they MUST be cropped:

Set at the highest points of the sides of the skull, the ears are customarily cropped, cut rather long and tapering, and raised when alert. If uncropped, the ears should be of moderate size, thin, lying flat and close to the cheeks in repose, but falling forward with a definite crease when alert.
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New York
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To clarify... show dogs do not need to be cropped or docked. But your chances of winning are less likely. I'm not going to start another debate about cropping. If the man wants to crop his dog's ears and its legal...then let him do it and you can go join peta.

And when I quoted jaa, I meant to say that akc does still allow cropped dogs.
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Advanced Reefer
Bridgewater, NJ
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To clarify... show dogs do not need to be cropped or docked. But your chances of winning are less likely. I'm not going to start another debate about cropping. If the man wants to crop his dog's ears and its legal...then let him do it and you can go join peta.

There wasn't any reason for you to be rude about it. I was simply asking a question. You seemed to have a different opinion about it and I was curious. If there was a good reason for cropping his dog's ears I was open to hear about it. Obviously if he wants to crop his dog' ears he is going to do it. In which case, I agree with you. Hopefully he got it from a good breeder and if he did, he should talk to them about it. Way to jump to conclusions and act like a child though.


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Thanks for all replies, akc standards will deduct points for uncropped ears and tail. I appreaciate inputs and info, someone asked whats beneficial about it, cropped ears are a plus if you decide to use your dog for hunting. Thanks everyone and ill post pics soon.


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Bridgewater, NJ
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I hope all works out well for you if you do decide to crop them. I didn't mean to make any debates or anything, I'm just curious.

I can't say I understand the reasoning behind the hunting thing though. I would think that it would be a negative in that aspect. More chance for sticks, thorns or anything like that to injure a dogs ears.

Like I said though, I hope all works out for you guys and with/without cropped ears, Boxers make great companions and, IMO, are one of the best looking breeds out there. Pics would be great!


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New Jersey
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Hunting with a Boxer? No one hunts with a boxer not anymore. Boxers used to be hunting dogs but not anymore, they came from a breed of dogs that was used for hunting. You might as well get a actually hunting dog. Cropping ears in this case is cosmetic. Personally i dont agree with cropping ears.

I have German Short Hair Pointers. They dont crop the ears but they do dock the tail and remove the dew claw.

Docking the tail is to prevent the dogs tail from creating a disturnbance in the bushes that would let a pheasant know your coming. and to prevent injury from cuts and bruises that become infected

Removing a dew claw is to prevent the it from getting stuck on a bush or tree when the dog is hunting. When the muscles and bone form it is much much more pain ful if the dew claw is torn or riped off.
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MR's Greatest Member
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When I said the AKC doesn't recognize cropped ears anymore, I believe the Doberman and the Boxer are the last 2 dogs they will accept. They do not deduct points for the ears either way on these 2 breeds. But as far as Great Danes which I do have they do nopt recognize them with cropped ears anymore and a true AKC show will not allow them to enter. There are other dogs they do not recognize with cropped ears anymore either. And if you want a hunting dog why a Boxer? Are you hunting bulls and bears? There are far superior hunting dogs other than boxers out there. I think you should reconsider the type of dog you want if you plan on using it for hunting rather than worrying about the ears. I have no clue what you plan on hunting but I would research the dog around the prey you wish to hunt.
Long Island
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Honestly ladies & gentleman. I have own 2 boxers, 1 all white with a brown patch on his left eye and my current little girl who is a flashy red brindle who came from a family of champions. Dietrich Boxers if you wana do some homework if you think I am bsin. Both boxers that I have owned have not had there ears cropped. Mainly because I like the floppy ear look vs the cropped look and I wouldn't want some dbag cutting the crap out of my ears. I am a huge fan of the breed and love everything about them. Whatever route you choose do not buy it from a pet shop #1, if you have chances are they are to old to get it cropped and they are not show quality. Want a quality boxer check out http://www.dieterichboxers.com. Her name is Vi and located in Florida where I flew out and drove a rent a car back with my little girl.. Worth every penny.. Just think how you would feel if someone cut your ears?

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