- Location
- 45-62 162nd St. Flushing NY 11358
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Some nice corals are ending TONIGHT on our eBay auction!
We have more than 50 auction listing EVERY WEEK and everything is starting at $9.99!!
Make sure you check them out!
eBay Profile
#ebay #ebayauction #ebaycoralauction #ebayreefauction #ebayreefstore #newyorkreefaquatic #saltwateraquarium #lpscoral #spscoral #zoanthids #chalice #mushroom #allmymoneygoestocoral #corallover #reeftank #reef
Some nice corals are ending TONIGHT on our eBay auction!
We have more than 50 auction listing EVERY WEEK and everything is starting at $9.99!!
Make sure you check them out!
eBay Profile
#ebay #ebayauction #ebaycoralauction #ebayreefauction #ebayreefstore #newyorkreefaquatic #saltwateraquarium #lpscoral #spscoral #zoanthids #chalice #mushroom #allmymoneygoestocoral #corallover #reeftank #reef