gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Wow .. it's just wonderful how you managed to fit all those corals in such a small place. It is very colorful ... I wish I could have a nice tank like you have.

I have a Fluval Edge 2 aquarium, fresh water, and just recently updated the lights and the manual switch.

You can see how I done on this website:

I wanted to show my LED upgrade but can't include images yet so:

and my tank:

Once you have your aquarium back post some photos. It's just fantastic!



Advanced Reefer
New York, NY
Rating - 100%
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Jcrissey - as always in this hobby, we close down a tank to move to the next bigger one.
It's still a nano at 12gal but twice the volume and fun on the new tank.
The edge is worth it but be sure to not skimp on the lighting as that will be a key factor on your success on this tank. Invest in it to avoid the hassles I went through tweaki ng the tank.
I did skimp on lighting though that's why I got rid of the cover.
The nanotuners seems to be the best option when the company was around.
Wingo's savior is a cheaper alternative that seems to work in keeping the stock look of the edge.

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