This hobby is an addiction. After months away, I've plunged back in with an edge. My project is currently in cycle mode and I'm anxious to get started right away.
So far I'm planning a very minimalistic approach. This tank is for my 1 year old son (dad can have fun too right?) and we're planning on having 2 fish. I know 2 fish are a lot for this size tank but I think with the right livestock, it can work. I'm planning to keep softies and have plants in the tank as well.
I started the cycle with a jug of Nutri Seawater (4.4g) and topped off with RO water. I had roughly 7lbs of live rock from another tank that I moved in and used added live sand. I removed all the media from the filter except the sponge and the tank stayed cloudy for a few days.
I decided to take out the sponge and use DIY polypads ($2.77 for a yard of polyester fiber fabric). I cut them up and loaded up the filter with them. Within hours my tank started clearing up quicker. I've since replaced the the pads with just 1 double layer pad that is acting as the only means of filtration.
I don't have a heater yet but my home is a very steady temperature year-round so I'm not as concerned about it now. I got the idea of RO water ice cubes somewhere on MR and I'm considering giving that a shot.
I have a Koralia 1 which provides a ton of flow. I still have the stock halogens plugged in. Actually only 1 now since I dropped the other into the tank and didn't bother replacing it. I'm still mulling over the lighting situation but for now it's not an emergency. It looks like everyone progresses as they go along so I think I'm going to give the mr11 led plug-and-play option a shot. I'm also planning on adding a 50/50 coralife pc bulb to the stock lighting arm and also doing some sort of led strip as moon lights. I like the splash guard idea for both the opening of tank as well as over the filter to direct water straight into the tank to reduce creep. I'm not sure of the plans for modifying the stock filter. I read somewhere that you can fit a aquaclear50? I have to verify but I'm going to first try to do it within the tank with plants.
Look forward to seeing how everyone's tank turns out.
Jeff, you're tank looks amazing.
Neet, everything looks very clean and sharp, perfect setting for this tank design. I like the blue background too.