Ha-ha, Aqua Pro you win! Nice 2 gallon.
Tried to get a decent pix earlier this week - failed miserably, will keep trying. I'm a total noob, so it's not exactly TOTM quality, but everything's alive and growing.
Lenny, I have no experience of any other tanks, larger or not, so I can't compare from my own experience, but it seems like some things are easier with the pico:
- No mucking around w. RO - just buy jugs of distilled water.
- I can change out 100% of the water to reset it, it's only 3 gal. Once a week I feed heavily then change out all the water.
- No sump.
- Pretty sure the equivalent lights, heater, chiller, etc. would cost alot more on a larger tank.
- It fits on my desk, so I can keep it at the office!