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Hello, I'm thinking about taking a dive into the nano tanks and was just wondering if I can get a second opinion on my setup.


22 gallon bowfront 23.75x14.25x14.5 http://www.fishtanksdirect.com/index.as ... rodID=1069

Lighting: Coralife Lunar Aqualights Compact Fluorescent Strip Lights
http://www.drsfostersmith.com/Product/P ... 004+113030


20lbs of mixed lr
3 inches of argonite sand
aqua clear hob refugium 23.5x3.75x14.5 (goal was to have it as close as i can get with the main display length and height wise - comes with skimmer and powerhead)http://www.drsfostersmith.com/Product/Prod_Display.cfm?pcatid=12591&Ntt=refugiums&Ntk=All&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&Np=1&N=2004&Nty=1
live stock:

5 nass snails
5 zebra turbos
5 cerith snails
1 emerald crab (i will hold off on this one untill i get algae problems)
1 cleaner shrimp (do i need this one?)
1 feather duster (do these make any diff for filtering water?)
2 Harlequin Shrimp (so do i just throw in a brittle sea star for it's food?)

2 clowns

Everything else will just be soft corals

a couple of questions

1. if it's a new tank i do not have to cure the live rock right? can i just put it in to the tank? the die off should help speed the cycling process right?

2. i know some lfs that have premixed salt water, is it okay to use that instead of mixing my own? i know the owner and i get the premixed water for pretty cheap if not free.

3. if i did not have a skimmer (which means less money for the fuge haha) would i be okay if i just did a 3 gallon water change every week?

that's all i can think up of right now. thank you for your time.


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also has anyone have any exp. with this product, it looks very nice for the money and light, skimmer, power head combo.

http://www.sapphireaquatics.com/store/i ... ducts_id=5

also for the live rock, is it okay if i work with it outside of the aquarium? like before i put them in the tank can i pre glue them together? or will everything die and i won't get any beneficial micro animals from them anymore.


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Nice looking tank. But before I say too much more, you have to take into account I am a poor college student, so I try and find the cheapest and most efficient methods.

Lighting: I feel the coralife aqualights are overpriced and you can easily find a better light. Though, it would be even better to go with a DIY light. Due to your coral selection, I would say that you don't need a whole bunch of light. However a 2*24w T5 retrofit might be nice.

Filtration: Weekly water changes would be most effective, combined with good flow and live rock. I personally would just purchase one or two normal hang on power filters (such as the aquaclear). The will give you some decent flow to start, have a minimal foot print, provide surface agitation, and they can be modified to hold a chaeto refugium. All you would need to do is remove the filter media and put a small light over the media chamber- instant refugium. You will spend a whole lot less.

As for a skimmer, you should be find with out one as long as your keep with your stocking list. Two small clowns will not produce much waste, and if you have soft corals, you do not need the pristine water quality required for sps.

Live stock: Your list looks good. Not sure about the Harlequins though, do some research. As for the Skunk cleaner, I personally think they look cool.

Your Questions:

1. if it's a new tank i do not have to cure the live rock right? can i just put it in to the tank? the die off should help speed the cycling process right?

I would use cured live rock if you can. That way you do not put all that rotting stuff in the tank. If the rock smells, it is not cured. The die off will not help the cycling process, just slow it down. With cured live rock your cycle will be fairly quick in a small tank. Especially if the rock is well cured and the water parameters stable before you put it in.

2. i know some lfs that have premixed salt water, is it okay to use that instead of mixing my own? i know the owner and i get the premixed water for pretty cheap if not free.

It is fine to use premixed salt water. Just make sure they are using RO water, otherwise it may be cheaper to make it yourself. Be sure they check the salinity before bottle it for you, and you should let it sit overnight with a power head before you use it. The premixed water at LFS may have been mixed a week ago, or 10 minutes before you showed up.

3. if i did not have a skimmer (which means less money for the fuge haha) would i be okay if i just did a 3 gallon water change every week?

As I said above, skip the skimmer and the overpriced fuge!

Good luck!




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Toua":vx9ajkte said:
also for the live rock, is it okay if i work with it outside of the aquarium? like before i put them in the tank can i pre glue them together? or will everything die and i won't get any beneficial micro animals from them anymore.

Live rock already spends days out of water. Just keep them from drying out too much and the important life, bacteria, will still be alive. As for gluing, you would probably have the best success with quick set cement. Do a search for more info.


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thank you, i'm not much of a diy person so can you point me to a sufficient lighting fixture? i liked the coralife one mainly just because i like how the lunar lights look on the corals :). and cindre, i'm all about cheap and effective :) that's why i just didn't buy the 22 gallon tank that they already had for reef ready haha. thank you again though :)


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You can easily get a 2 lamp retrofit for $99 + the price of the bulbs. Hellolights.com and ebay has items like this.

I did notice a Odyssea 24" HO T5 Aquarium Light. The reflector in it sucks, however, the price is nice $58 and it looks sleek.

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