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I got bored with not having an aquarium at my residence so I purchased a 3g eclipse. I am modifying the filter to be a simple surge device to get stronger flow- depending on how that works, I might modify it again to put in another.

My big question is:

I am going to be changing out the lighting today. The hood came with a 6w? T5 light; which is no where near enough for me; so I bought a 8w T5 bulb and I am planning on overdriving them both with ballast I pulled from some old 24" aquarium strip lights (both meant to run 20w bulbs). I also picked up a 24" reflector and I am going to chop in half and install it behind the bulbs. It also looks like I will be installing a small fan since the bulb is running so hot with the new ballast.

Any idea on what sort of coral I could keep under that lighting?


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my bet is pretty much anything-i've found that very small tanks require less light to get the same results, and corals can make do with less light than most hobbyists are aware of-i've kept sps corals under 9w pc bulbs in a 10 gallon nano (2x 10k, 2x actinic)-from montipora digitata to stylopora and seriatopora

the more important consideration is the color temperature of the bulb-as long as it's not (too) yellow you should be fine



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Finally got the lights up and running. I am using a 6w blacklight for fluorescence and an 8w powerglo. I broke down and purchased an electronic instant start ballast so that I could use a standard cord to wire it, rather than having a whole bunch of wires hanging out the back. My only complaint is that the spectrum is sort of pink. I might try out the other bulbs I have later today.

I also finally gave up on using the stock filter- mainly because it did not fit in with the bulb retrofit. I picked up an old hang oun 100 gph filter and the water flow is decent. I almost want to put on another filter for even more flow; however the fan for the lights is in the way.

As soon as I find the cord to connect my camera to the computer I can post some pictures.


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So, I have been having trouble with the tank, mainly there has been a whole lot of evaporation in an attempt to keep it cool, and it probably got up to 90ish during the heat wave- which killed both the hermits and the trumpet coral. The cerith and turbo snail are still kicking though.

Tanks running a little on the cool side since I broke down and have the AC running 24/7 (window units). I would say the room is 76-78ish and the tank is mid to low 70s (it near the window unit). However, I am not sure what heater to use since I need a really really short on that will fit in the HOB filter, since I don't want a massive heater in the tank.

On the positive side, I picked up another HOB filter and now there are two on the tank. The top no longer fits; so I will probably hack it down again with a dremel and modify the fan placement.

Right now I just have a selection of algae growing and will probably get two hawiian micro hermits and maybe another snail. I do think I need to get some more lively rubble from my LFS since I think the heat wave killed a good bit of my more delicate life. *sigh*

Also, the leaf fish that was going to be the sole inhabitant died at the LFS so I am thinking about going a different route. Not really sure yet- preferably something unique.

Still no pictures :(


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Here are some pictures...


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I am seriously considering upgrading to a home made 12*12*12 glass tank. I would upgrade the lighting as well with a 150w Iwasaki SE.


The nano loses too much water to keep it low enough maintenance for me. Even if I installed a gravity driven ATO, I would have to refill the ATO every other day.

Secondly, I cannot keep any fish in the nano right now- at least not the fish I want.

Finally, I just cannot get the spectrum to be the right color. No matter what I do It has a pinkish/purplish hue that I relly cannot stand. I could try and fix that with some code cathod suppliments, however, this was supposed to be a cheap tank...


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you might want to look at a 'mini-might' fixture from coralife ;)


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Haha, thats kind of funny- mainly because I have two of their Mini aqualights laying around. Only problem with that is I think I may lose par since I am currently overdriving the T5's...


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no worrys-one minimight will run a 3 g with its proverbial hands tied behind its back

i ran a 10 gal nano w/sps frags w/2 minimight lights four 9 watt pl bulbs, 2 10k's and 2 actinics-no problems at all-you can see pics in my photo gallery at rc (same nick)


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I had completely forgotten about my mini aqualights...

Question is, should I go with the MH or PC when I "upgrade"?


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i will always prefer halides over any other bulb-conditions permitting ;)

my 18" cube has the stock sunpod 70w 14k halide it came with-it seems to be plenty of light for the tank :)


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I had a DE halide on my 30g before I took it down, so I have the ballast laying around. It really needs a new bulb but it works great. The main reason I want to use the SE Iwaski 150 is I saw it in use over a ~20XH and the color was still great after 3 years. I then switched all the MHs on a 125g I work on over to the Iwasaki and the color looks great. So I figured I would just switch over to the mogul reflector and have the Iwasaki run on my ballast (which I already tested on the 125g). That way when I am able to re-setup my 30g I will already have the bulb and reflector.

I am just trying to figure out if I should pick up another ballast, reflector, and bulb to have for any future tank(I get awesome discounts for working at a LFS).

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