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We have a reguar old 20g aquarium that we'd like to make a reef tank.. At first we were only going to do a FOWLR but then I fell in love with the corals.. I plan on building an internal wet/dry filter, a HOB refugium, and a HOB skimmer.. For lighting I plan on going with a fixture of at least 4 t5's.. I was thinking 3-5 fish, depending on size, etc..

My questions are:
1. What kinds of corals can I have in this setup?

2. What are some good fish for this setup? My husband is interested in the clownfish (yes, because of Finding Nemo) but we can do without it if there's something better.. I do want a varied selection in there, though, so fish that are ok as individuals are good..

3. Is there anything else that I'm going to need? Other than the obvious, of course.. (food, water, etc.) More along the lines of what else I might need for the corals..

I did have freshwater aquariums since I was about 14 so I do know about tanks in general.. I've also had several planted tanks..

Now to find a part time job to pay for this hobby.. :D


Advanced Reefer
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If you are going to be using HO T5's, then you could probably keep any light demanding coral as long as you get some good flow and good water quality.

There are a large variety of small fish available out there. I believe there is a great introduction of most nano fish bookmarked at the top of this nano forum.


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nix the wet/dry-not necessary, and even hindering to reef tank health/progress

your rock/sand will provide all of your biofiltration easily-you're better off building/putting on the back a protien skimmer (remora is an excellent hob skimmer)

perfect source water for your salt mixing (rodi) is HIGHLY recommended, and with good large regular water changes, you will most likely not need any supplementation of any kind on a 20gal tank (less is more-many supplements are either mostly water, and 99% are pr bs kaka and completely unnecessary ;) ) :D


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Try to do a light sand bed in the tank, with a deep sand bed in a refugium. I would not use a hang on back fuge. You will get more out of one underneath the tank.

Try to do at least 5 watts per gallon of water. You could keep most LPS's, Mushrooms, and Zoos with this set up. A 150w MH or T5's would do the trick.

Use between 1.5 to 2 lbs. of live rock with a skimmer for filtration.

Clowns would work out well in this set up. Add them at the same time & the same species.

Be paitent and let the tank cycle for a month before you add livestock. Test the water often.

Happy Reefing!!!

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