I am not entirely familiar with the current deluxe nanocubes, but I bought a regular nanocube when they first came out. I ended up doing a few modifications which I believe are now standard on the tank. Aside from those all I did was replace the pump with a better brand, and added a mini-jet 404 to the left side of the tank. I put a small heater in the back, and replaced the sponges and media with rubble, chemi pure, and purigen. The tank has been running over 2 years without a problem. Now that there are a couple nano skimmers out I would consider getting one of those if it fits nicely. It is not necessary, but would definitely help. I would try using just the stock fans at first, then if you notice the temp staying too high you can add more. It will depend on the lights and the location of your tank, so it is impossible to know right now. What do you want to stock in this tank? If your plans are on the heavier side, or if you don't like to do weekly water changes, I would get a skimmer. Other than that you would probably be fine without one, and could always add one later if needed. HTH