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Hello all, I am a new user, but not new to the reef scene. I am simply wondeing if anyone can give me a bit of advice? On every other tank I have had, I have had a skimmer and the tanks have done pretty well, especially the previous 5 gallon nano I had. I am attempting to go the natural route and have setup a tank with the following specs:

10gallon all glass aquarium
11 lbs of live rock from LFS
5 lbs of live sand from LFS
5 lbs of carib sea argonite medium
1 powerhead(aquatic life or something of that nature but it states 200gph)
1 marineland stealth 50 submersible heater set to 79 degrees
3 blue legged hermit crabs
2 snails(I cannot remember the type)
Instant Ocean Sea salt with specific gravity of 1.024
Corallife Aqualight 96W Quad on for 13hrs a day
Using Kent Marine Bare Bones R/O w/deionization cart which leaves a TDS of zero when measured.

The question that I have is should I just use a powerfilter such as an Aquaclear 20 with only the sponge and carbon or go back to the mechanical means of foam refraction/skimming. I am getting a little bit of hair algea, though the hermits are working pretty diligently. The tank as of today has only been setup for a week, so I know that with the cycling, there are going to be ups and downs, but my thought was that with the amount of live rock and sand along with the r/o water that I shouldn't have a problem with any type of algea, even with the extended photoperiod. I am wondering which I should do.

As I mentioned, I have always had a skimmer even on a small tank, and the last was a prism. I at that time dosed with Seachem Reef Builder, Reef Advantage Calcium and also if I remember reef complete. I did have explosive coraline growth dosing, but I am trying to go the less is more route this time and go natural. I also previously have always run plenum's and this tank is simply a gravel bed instead.

The ultimate goal is to do some SPS with the amount of light that I have on the tank since it equates out to 9.6 w/gal with this light, but I need to first of course let the tank cycle which I know. I do not have my test kits any longer(they were victims of my divorce), so I am not sure where the cycle status is. I also may simply take a water sample to the local store and have them test it for me, though it may be cheaper of course in the longrun to simply once again purchase tests and do them myself. Anyhow, on this small of a tank, should I go with a skimmer or just do the powerfilter with the carbon for polishing and the sponge for mechanical? I also am wondering if you all think it's worth it to dose once again. I will only do this if I am skimming because even thtough mfg's say they do not have other trace elements, there always could be something to throw off the balance and cause a huge algea problem.

Also, because I am getting a bit of hair algea, I am wondering what salt do you all use, since I am pretty sure with the TDS reading of 0 the water doesn't have anything in it, so that leaves me with the salt mixture though I have always used Instant Ocean salt, vur rhwn Fin, in the beginning I never have run this much light on a tank either.

Well, any help is most appreciated.



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There are plenty of other threads on this, do a search. The long and short of it is, you don't need a skimmer. Water changes only take a few minutes on a tank that size. All you need is a powerhead or powerfilter to circulate the water, keeping in mind that you can even remove the sponge from the power filter - remember it's just for circulation. Although running some carbon in the power filter can't hurt. :wink:



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Ok Jim, thanks. I am going to try and not run a skimmer at all, but I am getting some hair algea issues, even with phos sorrb in the powerfilter. I think though that this is probably the cycling I hope. I did discover that the calciium level was extremely low(290) so I am sure that has something to do with it to be honest. If the tank weren't cycling, I would probably remove the gravel bits that have hair on them, but I am going to try and wait it out for a few more days. I also have reduced my light cycle to on at 6am and off at 8am and then on once again at 5pm and off at 11 in an effort to discourage the hair algea. I didn't really have this problem before adding the corallife, but then again, I almost tripled my lighting from 36 to 96 watts. If the cut down in light hours doesn't dissuade the hair alge, then I am going to put the 36 watter back on there in an effort to do so.

But once again, I believe it's the cycling since I am using RO/DI water. Thanks for the reply though, I appreciate it very much.



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Just my 2 cents here...(I know I'm new here, but not new to reefs)...I think you would benefit from the skimmer personally, but if you're not able or don't want to then you will have to stay on top of those water changes and probably do fairly large ones weekly(esp. if you are wanting to do a SPS dominated tank). As for the hair algea, obviously, something is feeding it. I went through the same thing when I set up my 20L with 130W PC's and immediately started with a 12 HR photoperiod. I would suggest, since you don't have anything in the tank right now that needs the light, I would turn them off for about a week. Then start with short photo period (like 4-5 hours) and gradually (over the course of several weeks) increase to the 12 you are wanting. (This worked like a charm for me.) Also, you absolutely need to get the tests kits. Good luck with the new tank!(although I don't think you'll need it :) )



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Hi Liz!

I actually returned the light because I have a 100w MH that I knew I could use as soon as parameters were right. I actually am at work at the moment but will keep it short. I found that when mixed with water(RO/DI) and IO salt, I recieved a high phospate reading. I since posting this have switched to Oceanic salt since I could not obtain either Tropic Marin or Seachem salt in my area and all of the algea has died off in a period of now 4-5 days. I also bought a little nano fission skimmer which is at best good for areating the water so far, but the salt has made a tremendous amont of difference. I will elaborate a bit more when I get home, but thank you for the reply.

D :twisted:


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Excellent...glad to hear that the algae problem has been solved :D Nothing more frustrating than a "fuzzy" reef!!! Glad to know about IO salt, because that's what I use, so maybe that was part of the problem. Good luck with that Fission Skimmer...I returned mine after only two weeks. Went with a SeaClown (oops...Sea Clone) but have to say it is working just fine.


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He He I am actually thinking about returning my Fizzle(he he Fission) because after almost a week, it isn't doing anything either to be honest. But yes, the algea is gone prett much completely. I purchased a Tiger Pistol Shrimp and also a Orange spot goby, and that shrimp is tearing my gravel to bits, or should I say tunneling it to bits. But the algea has definately subsided. I am thinking about either picking up a Prism(I know they are hated for the most part) or I do not know what kind since this is only a ten gallon tank, but I haven't decided to be honest as of yet. I just at the moment wish that nutty shrimp would stop messing up my gravel. He He

I am enjoying watching the shrimp and the goby though to be honest. I still don't have any corraline growth and to be honest since I have been so tired over the past week, all I have done is dump R/O water in the tank to topoff, but I am actually am getting ready to get off the machine and check my calcium level and see where it is at after this week with the Oceanic not to mention the alkalinity.

I know the Purigen and Phosguard are probably helping tremendously as far as the Phosphate is concerned, but that once again was very disturbing about the IO.

Ok, I am off to test. I will post my findings later.



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Coraline2020":11zcfn10 said:
Just my 2 cents here...(I know I'm new here, but not new to reefs)...I think you would benefit from the skimmer personally, but if you're not able or don't want to then you will have to stay on top of those water changes and probably do fairly large ones weekly

Any tank can benefit from a skimmer, the point is that on a tank this small, the ease and quickness that a water change can be perfomed makes purchasing one and fussing with it almost silly.

Below is my 12 gallon, no skimmer...note the T. maxima.



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Cool! Very Cool! I have taken that little Fizzle on and off for the past 3 days since I really am not getting "true" foam. I recieved a bit of liquid, but it was simply "pale-clear" in color, but the strange thing is that I took th eskimmer off yesterday, and accidentally left the bottle with the skimate sitting on the floor without dumping, and ehen I arrived home from work, I was faced with a nice, icky, "eggshell" smell. I immediately began thinking that a lucky snail had crawled out of the tank and bit the button, however when seeking the smell out, it was the bottle with the skimate in it.

I immediately dumped out the skimmate and put the Fizzle back on the tank. It is funny because all of my skimmers prior to this one never produced this type of color skimmate material. What is even more odd is that the resulting skimate always had a smell, but never, and I mean ever that bad. It was absolutely terrible. So as clear as the liquid was, it must have served some form of good. The other thing about the Fission/Fizzle and the skimate that it produced was that this was from the bubble precipitation or bubbles hitting the top of the collection cup and simply dripping into the actual cup.

Therefore, I am tinkering with the skimmer little inner guide that has the little nodules jutting out of it, and now, It seems to be rising in the contact chamber as a skimmer normally should. Mind you, this is after about a week of constantly running. If this works to produce nice dry foam, then I will post some pics since I have read alot of others having problems with this skimmer.

And yes, fiddling with the skimmer is a bit of a hassle to be honest, but as I stated, I had a Prism on a 5 gallon, so it's not really a biggie. I am at the moment running Purigen and Phosguard also(I cannot remember if I mentioned this previously), so i am sure these two along with only having fed the tank once is helping also. Hopefully I will get some nice tea colored skimate soon. The reaction chamber has yet to become coated with gunk, so I know this will take a bit and once it does, it iwill probably produce drier skimate.

I will keep you all updated.


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