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I finally got around to just doing it. Today I put everything together. Here is how my tank is set up so far. I'll list it like I know what I'm talking about. :)

1 - Aquarium - FREE
10 Gallon aga 20x12x10

2 - Lighting - $21.00
Hood= FREE
2-CoraLife 10W Minicompact 50/50=$21.00

3 - Filtration - $10.00
AquaTech 5-15 powerfilter-$10.00

4 - Waterflow - FREE
AquaClear 20= FREE

5 - Skimmer - None
Havent decided yet. Will add in a couple weeks?

6 - Livestock - None
But have plans for these additions when the time comes:
1- Mandarin Dragonet - Spotted ($28.00)
1-Cleaner Shrimp- ($25.00)
1-Cinnamon Clown- ($18.00)
2-Domino Damsel - ($14.00)
Im up in the air on what to use as a cleanup crew.
Also thinking about a few Peppermint Shrimp.

7 - Mics- $38.00
55g Instant Ocean= $17.00
10lbs Crushed Corral= $13.00
6lbs cured base rock= $8.00

Total to date= about $70.00

Anyway thats what I have going for now. I will post some photo's as soon as I get to the store and buy some batteries. Right now its nothing special looking, and its cloudy so you cant see anthing. The local LFS that cares for some of the tanks in the area gave me a pint of substrat from his 90gallon corral tank so I can seed my 10g.
I am going to design a new hood and get more lighting. Right now Im just waiting to see what the tank does. Suggestions, constructive feedback... all welcomed. thanks


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FragMaster":31nnpmae said:

I need help on this one. Would you be able to explain for me?

I also have another question on this tank. At first I was thinking of building the refugium on the other side of the tank and divide it with a bulkhead, etc.... now I am thinking of just incorperating the plants within the tank and try to make it look natural.... What plants would you use and why? I was thinking of using green bubble algae and caularpa.


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Thats a big "NO" ( :) ) on using the green bubble alage, and calurpa in your display. Calurpa will grow uncontrolably as will bubble algae.
Bubble alage is a nusaince algae and is a big problem we have all faught at one point to rid our tanks of. I would NOT recommend using it on purpose. ;)
Use something like shaving brush, or FEATHER calurpa. Niether of them grow to rapidly.
Personaly with a ten gallon tank I wouldnt even worry about a refugium or a built in filter system. I would just put a skimmer on it and an HOB filter for polish. Water changes will take care of everything else as long as your diligent about them.

As for rechargables. I ment buy some rechargable batteries for your camera. :)
You can get 4 batteries and a 15 min charger for around $25 bucks at wallmart. It will save you in the long run big time.


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Rechargables--I didnt know if you meant some type of filter, Then again I was pretty much thinking of nothing but this tank all day :?

what about using Chaeto that Ive seen over in the classifieds section?


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FragMaster":3p1o9jha said:
Only if its in a sump/refugium enviorment. It will grow faster than calurpa :)

How do I determine what size refugium to add? I was originally thinking about adding it as part of the tank design... but now I am going to make it seperate. I have decided to make it a display type so any advice on what you would add?


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Deep aragonite bed, some rock, some chaetomorpha, some red graciclarai, ect ect ect..... Dont add anything that can go "sexual".
What size tank is your display going to be.?


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FragMaster":3tuxeajz said:
Deep aragonite bed, some rock, some chaetomorpha, some red graciclarai, ect ect ect..... Dont add anything that can go "sexual".
What size tank is your display going to be.?

Well the main tank is a 10 gallon.... so I was thinking about making a 5 gallon cube for the display refugium.

Whats the story on the Chaeto being sold here? Is it safe to use?
http://reefs.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t ... ght=chaeto


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And just so it is said - you may want to reconsider the Mandarin Dragonet. They are avid feeders on the 'bugs' you get with live rock, and will quickly eat everything in your tank.

It is reccomened to only try these fish in a well established 90+ gallon tank w/ lotsa live rock.


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I am thinking about putting in a 10 lb bag of live sand on top of the crushed corral. much of it should fill in some of the spaces in the crushed corral... but I wanted to get my substrate level up between 3 and 4 inches... right now Im under 2 inches.... is it ok to do this now while its still cycling?


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I wouldnt use crushed coral at all in a reef tank.
Maybe a frag tank or a fish only tank.
The sand will eventualy settle under the crushed coral not on it and around it ( unless you use a THIN layer of crushed coral as in you sneez at it and you can see bare bottom LOL! )


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Uh oh. I forsee great algae, and trate problems in your imediate future young skywalker. :(
Detrius will build up in and around the crushed coral and cause it.


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FragMaster":5bcxa9jv said:
Uh oh. I forsee great algae, and trate problems in your imediate future young skywalker. :(
Detrius will build up in and around the crushed coral and cause it.

Then I guess I will scoop as much corral out as possible and replace it with live sand..... ????


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FragMaster":3uyjav88 said:
Uh oh. I forsee great algae, and trate problems in your imediate future young skywalker. :(
Detrius will build up in and around the crushed coral and cause it.

Then I guess I will scoop as much corral out as possible and replace it with live sand..... ????


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I tested my water.....

Nitrate- 0
Ph- 8.2
Salinity was good... just cant remember as I had it tested at the LFS.

We added one Blue Neon Damsel. Its been in the tank most of the day and seems to be doing well. I am going to bring in another water sample tomorrow and have it tested again. I also have a water change coming up. I was told to add two Damsels... advice given by the only two saltwater LFS here. I only added one and might add another later this week..... not sure if I jumped ahead of myself or not. i still want to add the live sand next monday.

Oh... and whats a good decent test kit to buy as a beginner?

I am going to start building my Refugium tomorrow. What plants and kitters should I place in it? I have another 10gal Im going to use. Also I want to hook it up to the other tank asap.... ?????

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