Okay, I figured I would post a couple pics of the 15 gal I have up and running. It was started over a month ago when someone I knew was breaking down a larger system, and I offered to take a few of their fish and some rock. I traded a bunch of the rock with a local reefer for some frags (just took a few initially, will get more later). It started out BB with a decent amount of rock...but I really wasn't happy with it, so a couple days ago I removed most of the rock and created a much more open layout (I prefer this visually over a tank crammed full with rock). This really opened things up for flow. I also added a thin layer of silica sand, which has added a nice reflective surface and brightened things up (I was actually surprised how much brighter the tank became after adding it).
Lighting is a 96 watt Coralife Aqualight and flow is provided by an Aquaclear 500 and a random powerhead to mix things up a bit. Inhabitants are:
4 Chromis viridis
1 Amblyglyphidodon sp.
1 Lysmata amboinensis
Lighting is a 96 watt Coralife Aqualight and flow is provided by an Aquaclear 500 and a random powerhead to mix things up a bit. Inhabitants are:
4 Chromis viridis
1 Amblyglyphidodon sp.
1 Lysmata amboinensis