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Since the build off is winding down are there any plans in place to start a new one?

Curoius minds want to know! :lol:


Advanced Reefer
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I haven't heard of specific plans but we are motivated by three factors around here: what's fun and scientific, what the market demands, and what we can provide to meet that demand. It seems all three criteria are met, I bet we could go another round after we analyze the pros and cons of the last meeting. I can't speak for the organizers of the event, it takes a lot of man power to run and regulate those activities but if there are accolades galore I can see running another one again. I say it'd be fun to interject new rules and regs in the next go-around.


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The only thing I didn't like about the last one is that some of my favorite builds have just disappeared, its such a shame....


Active Reefer
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Oh the ideas are clicking. I entered a build off on another site and had to move in the middle of it.


Experienced Reefer
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Im up for it...but what are the criteria...everyone should pick something wacky this time...like "lighting must not be more than 100watts" or "no cured/raw live rock" (only arag-crete, foam, or dry LR w/ GARF grunge or something)....

or..."no seperate sump" (integrated sumps, sumpless, etc)

"no softies"

"no rectangle or cube tanks" (bows, hex, curved front, tube, etc)

"must have a jawfish"

"aragacrete/foam covered sides" (only front panel isnt covered in 'rock')

"must have a wave making device" (nano-surge bucket, hydor, SCWD, sea-swirl, natural wave)

"must have no visible equipment in the main display" (a practice in disguising equipment)



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It's not about wacky it's about learning and teaching. If you'd read threw all the build off threads, none of them were the same and several used some of the things you've listed already. :roll:

My question was to see if there had been talk betwix the mods of another build off in the near or foreseeable future. Nothing has been mentioned as of yet, but that doesn't mean one isn't in the works either. (in need of "ansy" emoticon)

So, I sit patiently waiting for the announcement that may come tomorrow or 6-12 months from now. :wink:


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It would be nice.. - Fate hosed me over pretty good on the last one even though I *thought* the timing would work out nicely.

Maybe next time (if there is one..)


New Reefer
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I also would be interested in being in a build off. Wish they would let us know if they were going to have one. The last one was great! Have been attached to the forums reading and watching.


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We can't have another build off on this site until the last build off is finished ya know...

Seeing as how we don't have a winner yet!


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knucklehead":2dkjzu95 said:
We can't have another build off on this site until the last build off is finished ya know...

Seeing as how we don't have a winner yet!

We could all just vote for you Knucklehead and then we'd have a winner and could start the new buildoff.

I'm torn between tightening the rules and loosening the rules. Looser rules give more creativity and we can learn more I think. The variety of setups in this contest was a huge bonus for education. OTOH tighter rules can force contestants to focus on certain aspects of reefkeeping and maybe learn more depth on a particular subject.

I was amazed at how much I didn't know about nano reefkeeping after over 25 years of keeping the larger cousins. I didn't even know there was such a thing as 18" VHO until I needed one.


Advanced Reefer
Livingston, NJ
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Guy":2yxxes8x said:
I'm torn between tightening the rules and loosening the rules. Looser rules give more creativity and we can learn more I think. The variety of setups in this contest was a huge bonus for education.

OTOH tighter rules can force contestants to focus on certain aspects of reefkeeping and maybe learn more depth on a particular subject.
you could have two categories, one for looser rules (Customized/Modifications Allowed) and one for stricter rules (Stock/No-Modifications Allowed).

NR has this type of setup for their current pico-reef contest, as well as it's previous ill-fated Nanocube one (ill-fated because of the tank cracking problems/leaking disasters discovered in the Nanocubes made at that time). but i think it's still working out rather well.

for the next contest you can have the Stock participants adhere to a very strict set of rules. you'd then get to see how they reefkeep within those guidelines, bascially (imo) a "how-to-reef within a budget" type of thing.

the Custom particpants otoh could have a pretty open/loose set of rules (really the only restriction-common to both categories-could be the total volume). this would probably be the more interesting of the two categories (i'm in the Stock category for NR btw <sigh> ).

but i think people will appreciate both types of sub-contests running at the same time. it gives them more choice when applying to their own setups and widens the overall knowledge base at the same time.

as noted previoulsy, i think it's the learning process, in seeing how others tackle the same issues we all encounter, that makes such "competitions" so interesting.


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Guy":o5jo0h9j said:
knucklehead":o5jo0h9j said:
We can't have another build off on this site until the last build off is finished ya know...

Seeing as how we don't have a winner yet!

We could all just vote for you Knucklehead and then we'd have a winner and could start the new buildoff.

I'm torn between tightening the rules and loosening the rules. Looser rules give more creativity and we can learn more I think. The variety of setups in this contest was a huge bonus for education. OTOH tighter rules can force contestants to focus on certain aspects of reefkeeping and maybe learn more depth on a particular subject.

I was amazed at how much I didn't know about nano reefkeeping after over 25 years of keeping the larger cousins. I didn't even know there was such a thing as 18" VHO until I needed one.

Hey, now

At least vote for someone that was actually in the contest....

I think the contest should be with a certain size in gallons and no exceptions. There way to much leeway between 1/2 gallon and 20 gallon tanks.

other than that I think the contest here was awesome, I learned a ton and I haven't even set up one yet :D

the biggest thing I learned is that Chrispy can't take pictures....


Just kidding hun


Experienced Reefer
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I would definatley be in for another buildoff.... I think next time I would do more DIY, and go a little more creative with my setup.

I think, espeically if there were more contestants, there should be several categories based on tank size- ie- 0-5 gallons, 5-10 gallons, 10-15, 15-20... etc etc. Just because you can do so much more with a 20 gallon tank than a 5 gallon. Although, I guess thats partly what the contest was about. :D



Advanced Reefer
Livingston, NJ
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Diana":1ux3cfv4 said:
I think, espeically if there were more contestants, there should be several categories based on tank size- ie- 0-5 gallons, 5-10 gallons, 10-15, 15-20... etc etc. Just because you can do so much more with a 20 gallon tank than a 5 gallon. Although, I guess thats partly what the contest was about.
multiple categories is good but we should leave something for future contests too. :lol:

maybe specific livestock-type categories (e.g. SPS, mixed, FOWLR, frags-only, etc.) or biotope categories (e.g. lagoonal, reef crest, profile, mangrove, etc.) for a small range of tanks as you suggested. maybe a 5~10g contest, or maybe a minibow contest, etc.

there are pluses and minuses to getting a corporate sponsor though (see Nanocube comment). but for the sake of my marriage, please wait until the NR contest is finished though. :( (just 3 more months)


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I would like to see a max size placed on the display portion, anything more than 10 gallons is not a nano IMHO unless its some sort of custom sized/build tank (Ie super long or something other than rectangular). Now adding a sump to pump up the total volume should be allowed within certain limits.

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