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I bought an Odyssea 17" MH/PC pendant.

Its got a 150W HQI DE MH, and 2 18 watt PC Actinics. I plan to run the actinics for dawn/dusk, separately from the MH. The ballast box only has one power cord, and I'll need to wire another in.

Can anyone offer up some help with the wiring? I'm thinking this would have to be pretty simple on the grand scale of things. I looked inside, and each of the components are separate, so locating the correct leads should be easy enough, so I really just need some direction.


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Hey NoLimit,
That's the same light unit I've got for mine. Mine was advertised as 175w and that's what is on the bulb and ballast. I'm having trouble with the ballast for the mh shoting sparks and blowing the main circuit breaker and having a hellava time with customer service. Sorry I can't help with the wiring tho, but it will be fun to compare tanks using the same lights (when mine is working) Good luck!


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knowse":d4ik3w5x said:
Hey NoLimit,
That's the same light unit I've got for mine. Mine was advertised as 175w and that's what is on the bulb and ballast. I'm having trouble with the ballast for the mh shoting sparks and blowing the main circuit breaker and having a hellava time with customer service. Sorry I can't help with the wiring tho, but it will be fun to compare tanks using the same lights (when mine is working) Good luck!

Just a little info I've gathered from some threads on other sites. There is no such thing as a 175W double ended MH bulb. They only come in 150 and 250+. That said, they did use a 175W-capable ballast.

Its also a magnetic ballast, rather than the electronic one they advertise.

I bought the light with the intention of replacing the stock ballast with an ARO electronic one. You still can't beat the price, even after adding on another $100.

BTW -- You're the first person I've seen report funtional problems with the light. Sparks and tripped breakers sound a little scary to me...


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NoLimit":1nnlviob said:
I bought an Odyssea 17" MH/PC pendant.

Its got a 150W HQI DE MH, and 2 18 watt PC Actinics. I plan to run the actinics for dawn/dusk, separately from the MH. The ballast box only has one power cord, and I'll need to wire another in.

Can anyone offer up some help with the wiring? I'm thinking this would have to be pretty simple on the grand scale of things. I looked inside, and each of the components are separate, so locating the correct leads should be easy enough, so I really just need some direction.

Look where the power cord comes in. You should see a Green, white, and black.

Mark which wires from each ballast go to the black wire coming from the plug. do the same with the white. (the green should go to the metal of the enclosure.)

Undo the wirenuts, or cut off the crimp connectors. Separate each set of wires. (make sure you marked which went to white and black of the power cord)

Connect one ballast to the existing cord. If you have to buy new wire nuts or crimps, don't forget to get them when you pick up the new cord(s)

Add another power cable. Go to HD and get a short 3-wire extension cord. Connect black and white to one ballast you've separated out. Connect the ground wire to the same place as the first cord.

put everything back together.

*****Insert standard 'if you really don't know what you're doing, get a qualified electrican' disclaimer here.*****


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NoLimit":2mqdpwch said:
knowse":2mqdpwch said:
Hey NoLimit,
That's the same light unit I've got for mine. Mine was advertised as 175w and that's what is on the bulb and ballast. I'm having trouble with the ballast for the mh shoting sparks and blowing the main circuit breaker and having a hellava time with customer service. Sorry I can't help with the wiring tho, but it will be fun to compare tanks using the same lights (when mine is working) Good luck!

Just a little info I've gathered from some threads on other sites. There is no such thing as a 175W double ended MH bulb. They only come in 150 and 250+. That said, they did use a 175W-capable ballast.

Its also a magnetic ballast, rather than the electronic one they advertise.

I bought the light with the intention of replacing the stock ballast with an ARO electronic one. You still can't beat the price, even after adding on another $100.

BTW -- You're the first person I've seen report funtional problems with the light. Sparks and tripped breakers sound a little scary to me...

Yeah I found that out after I ordered the thing. I hate being lied to! :x I got mine shipped out today and will hopefully get a new one. If not, I'll order a better quality unit to use for the build off.

It's a shame that companys have to lie about their products, just to get people to order them.

Bingo thanks for the how to, I've got a feeling I'll need that too.


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tvu, yes, it comes with two switches.

When I ordered mine, it was to have a controller (digital) to time the lights. I didn't get it, because there was some sort of problem with it. Not a big deal. I wanted/needed plug and play, which this unit isn't doing. On the first fireing, the bulb (mh) didn't want to fire. I had to jiggle the light unit around to get it to fire. I really don't want a fire hazard, and they don't refund, just exchange within 30 days. It has taken several days worth of phone calls and mutiple emails to get some sort of response from the company. Not the customer support I'm used to. They also over charge for shipping costs.

If it doesn't come back in a reasonable amount of time, I'll order a 150w Aqua Medic, which is what I should have ordered to begin with. I already have on of those and am very happy with it's performance.


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tvu":cq3glexd said:
Isn't that light advertised to have 2 on/off switches?

http://www.aquatraders.com/index.asp?Pa ... &ProdID=12

Do you guys think it's worth the money?



tvu -- The light comes with two switches, yes. the problem is, there's only one power cord. so you can manually switch the lights on and off independently, but just try hooking it up to two timers!

As to "is it worth the money?" -- I don't have it over a tank yet, but I've been running it in in the basement for several days with no problems. As I mentioned above, I'm planning to replace the MH ballast anyway (and ordered the light with that intention), so that isn't much of a concern. Also -- I like the design (single MH with integrated PC actinics) and the size. As for the price -- I haven't found anything comparable for even twice the price. Some places sell DE MH pendants (basically a reflector in a shell), with no mounting equipment, no bulb, no ballast for $110...

This light cost me $183 shipped to my door, and has the added bonus of integrated actinics, so I don't have to figure out how to rig up some sort of retrofit in an open top canopy.

I did a lot of research on the light before buying (there are HUGE threads on some other reef sites), and the general consensus is that, though cheaply made, the lights perform well, and you can't beat the price with a stick.


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Since i just got the new tank, I need to make a change in my skimmer plans. I was going to just use the Remora from my old tank, but there's no place to hang it on. I was supposed to get an open back canopy. but its closed, so I'm not sure what to do.

Are there any good-performing in-tank skimmers that will fit in the 3" "sump" section at the back of my tank?

I know I've seen air-driven ones, but would prefer a pump-driven type.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!


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I've got a SCWD and some Lockline modular tubing. How the heck do I get from the output of the SCWD to the Lockline?

I don't see a Lockline-by-hose-barb fitting anywhere. The only thing I can think of is to hook it up through a bulkhead, but the return lines are not running through any tank walls, so the bulkhead would have to be out of the water... That seems like "square peg, round hole" to me...

I can't believe that I'm the only one who's ever tried this....

Can any one offer some help?



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Anybody have any good strategies for getting rid of a 1/8" to 1/4" layer of detritus which has settled out on top of my new live sand bed after adding it to the tank?

Turkey baster? Seems like it would take forever...

Stir it all up and siphon it out, which would amount to several water changes (which, admittedly, may be required anyway, as this stuff was a bit rank...)???

Is there any cheap, DIY alternative to getting one of those HOT Magnum canisters with the diatom filer insert? I'm now kicking myself for getting rid of mine several years ago.... :evil:

Any other, innovative ideas? I'm all ears, since I can't just leave it there, and am anxious to get my rock in the tank...


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why not just siphon it off the sand bed itself..you dont want to stir it up...it may disturb/agitate any of you living organsims you have in there ie fish, corals


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LordNikon":9ybgnlsi said:
why not just siphon it off the sand bed itself..you dont want to stir it up...it may disturb/agitate any of you living organsims you have in there ie fish, corals

First thing -- brand new tank, nothing but sand and some rubble at the moment. Siphoning is the ideal solution, but I'm not sure the siphon thingy I've got has enough oomph to pull the stuff through, without stirring up the sand anyway.

I was thinking about one the bulb driven deals with the filter bag, but I think that would suck up the sand too, and that's no good...


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Just use 1/2" tubing and vacuum it out. If the output side of the tubing is near the floor it will have plenty of "oomph".


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Guy has it right...I use my gravel vaccum all the time on my sand bed..some of the heavier stuff may not come up but most of the detritus and waste comes up rather easy...it will suck up very little sand too...


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Go have a look in the build off thread -- I'm interested to hear what y'all think of my rockwork. I do plan to break three of the larger pieces (only two of which are in the tank) into several smaller ones, and see if I can get most of it in, to open up and complete the structure. Should be fun -- I've never tried breaking up LR, so that oughta be interesting.

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