i took a 10g tank and divided it...not quite in half, but for all intents and purposes....in half. on one side, where i have to over flow box drain to, i have about 7 pounds of live rock (i will be adding a few more pounds soon). then i have two dividers. one that is about 3"high and goes from the bottom of the tank...up and then about 3" after that i have a taller divider that is about 2" off the bottom of the tank. between the divders i have a sponge filter to grab ahold of the large stuff. on the other side of the tank i have my return pump heater and a backpack CPR skimmer.
lastnight i found what i think is an emerald crab in the live rock as a hitch hiker. also some glass enemones for which i just baught a peppermint shrimp to try to rid me of these.
so i was just thinking about trying to keep some live stock down there to help keep it cleaner...like the shrimp maybe, but if he eats all my enemones i might try to get him to my main tank, i'm not sure yet. i'm not worried about snails for i have no light to grow algae, but other things to eat the larger things that don't quite make it to to sponge.
thanks for the interest....