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i just started working at my lfs sunday, YAY, and they have this nice 12g nano but i wanna start a 24g. this start would seem more reasonable for me since the size is smaller and now that i have a job, ill be able to handle the expenses and stuff. i was talking it over with the mom and pop that own the shop and they gave me lots of advice. i told them that i want like 2 clowns, a rose bubble, hammer coral, maybe some bubble and mushrooms. i dont know. the fish list really hasnt come to mind so thats why im lookin for yalls advice. thanks!!!


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You looking for advise on fish...bubble tip anemones?? I personally dont think your lighting in the 24g Nano will be strong enough...I see you want to keep corals..i think your corals that you have listed would be fine under that lighting...You dont wanna go over board with fish in that tank...Id say three most..Honestly I have four in mine but any kick(my damsel or goby) that will be it no replacements..I have a 20 gal and I think the four relatively small fish i have is way too much for a bioload of a tank that small...I think youll enjoy clownfish..peaceful for the most part and active...I think your overall focus will lean towards coral over the fish....All though you have an assortment of small fish you can add to a tank that size, I believe in time you lean towards time and energy on the corals as that will draw attention to the tank vs most fish...Unlike a larger tank that allows you to keep the large fish such as tangs and triggers which those catch my attention first...Youll see that although the smaller fish like anthias and wrasses are beautiful, they are more shy..this is just my experience with the smaller tanks over the last two years...I put my energy into the corals over the fish...


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id like to have uall's advice on coral and fish selection. LEN. can you give me names and such? with the nano cube i wont have to add any other equipment will i? um also lr and sand, how much is too much and how much is not enough? Thanks.


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will a rose bubble survive under 2 36 watt compacts? when i start the tank im going to cycle it with liverock. i was wondering would it be ok to add the rock a little bit at a time. while i was wondering around the topic of this question, i asked myself would the reaccuring addition of rock fluctuate the cycling system. if you konw please tell me. THANKS!


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I think it would depend on how much lr you added periodically...That is an option but may send spikes in your water parameters...A BTA may do ok under that lighting....You may be ok with some (softies) Leather corals, colts, etc. SPS IMO is out of the question, I wouldnt risk it..Mushrooms and polyps and maybe some not so light demanding LPS corals would be ok too..


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ok, i made a list of some things that i like. Corals: hammer coral, xenia, star polyps, mushrooms, bubble. and for fish: perculas clowns, pajama cardinals, banggai cardinals, flame angel, purple firefish, firefish goby, feather duster, christmas tree rock and the saddled. these are just ones that i like. advice is what i really need. what's good and what's not. THANKS!


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Well you wont be able to have that many fish in a 24gal...Pajamas or Bangaiis would be a good choice but not mixed together...The Flame Angel might potentially eat coral but im not sure what corals they would nip at ie specifically SPS or softies or whatever...Your coral selection looks fine..I dont think you'll be able to mix and match the purple firefish with a common firefish either..territorial issues perhaps...In a lot bigger tank this would probably not be an issue..Im not sure what you mean by a saddle...your christmas tree rock is really porites (an SPS) with feather dusters..They have tendancy not to live long in aquariums anyways...normal feather dusters are fine regardless of light since they arent photosynthetic...


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Your LFS is trying to sell you a fish. We are not :D

Don't put a mandarin in that tank!


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like Matt said...Your LFS may even say its ok to keep a shark...

Sugar Magnolia

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LPS, zoos, soft corals, clam mantles, so yes...it may nip at some of your choices. This pretty much holds true with all the angel sp. I'd skip the flame angel.


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most, if not all Centropyge sp. (pygmy angels) will nip at corals..I would love to have one too but I like my corals so I wont keep one...


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I would also avoid filter feeders like the featherduster for a month or two unless you plan on feeding suitably sized food just for filter feeders.
Ricordeas are another coral you may want to consider. Zoos can add a ton of color to a tank so I highly recommend them for your system. I also agree with no mandarin in a tank of this size. Also go with either the fire goby or the purple but not both, same goes for the cardinals. Another small fish you may consider is a clown gobie, they stay small except for the citrons and they have alot of caracter. HTH, Skip


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hey guys my next problem is the liverock issue. i dont want it to be like one of the most expensive things i get. i was wondering if it would be ok to use half reefbone and half fiji, but i would get the fiji uncured and cure it myself. im thinking that this will save alot of money for me.


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No. Seahorses and anemones will not mix. The horses get stung. In addition, I strongly suggest that you ONLY get a seahorse or sea anemone after you have a bit of experience (like a few years) under your belt. Definitely not a good first saltwater tank candidate. I've been keeping reefs for 6 years now and am still daunted by the task of keeping seahorses.

I think good choices for your tank are what's already been mentioned:
Green Star Polyps
Colt Coral

For fish, a pair of Ocellaris or Percula Clowns and a red OR purple firefish (but not both) would work well.

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