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Hope to get some feedback here.

I worked pretty hard to hide all mechanical contrivances in the tank. Not sure if I did anything original or not since I never made a nano-tank before...

Send me some notes!

How do you like that DIY skimmer? It was VERY inexpensive to build.


I liked it, how did you build it? Are you going to share some details?

I also would like to know how it skims as the contest goes on

Nice looking tank there..


It appeared to me that your light placement lights up the rocks in front more than it lights up the live rock structure (cool bridge!).

Maybe it's different in person but through the camera it seems to make the rocks brighter than the corals.


Yea good catch on the light. If I wanted to put out the $$ I would get me a quad PC 96Watt light, but I don't, so what I got is the 32 watt PC and I added a 15 Watt NO with a coralife 50/50 in it. 45 Watts over the tank should be enough for Zoas and the Xenia I have in there.

Knuckle, I built the skimmer from the protective sleeves that you can get for industrial and shop flourescents. They are exactly 1.25in outside diameter (at least the ones I got were) so they fit snugly into 1.25 in fittings :) The most expensive parts on the skimmer were the air pump and the nylon barb fittings. Does anyone else think those barb fittings are ridiculously overpriced? I am using a Hagen Elite 802 air pump with both air outlets 'teed' together into a single airline to drive a 1.5in wooden diffuser. I am still dialing the skimmer in, so it hasn't put out much in the way of skimmate yet, and I have very little bio load in the tank at this point too. I changed the foam concentrator (reducing fittings) from 1.25 in X .75 in to a 1.25 in X 1 in fitting because I felt that the .75 in riser pipe was to restricting. My next job is to get the bubble column adjusted so that I am getting wet skimmate since I am running the cup without a cover. Dry foam does not overflow well when it is exposed to that much air. It just dries out more and crusts the riser tube.


I posted a couple of updates to my competition thread since I posted here last.

What do you think about two damsels in a 10G? Is that a quick way to kill one of them? Or if I add them at the same time, might they get along?



Might die, might pair off... Prolly die, though. Just try to think happy thoughts 8O

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