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I saw the sticky at the top of this forum that recommends certain fish for a nano tank.

I am looking for a centerpiece fish or fishes that is 1) rare 2) brightly colored and 3) very tame and not shy (can fish still hide and be reclusive in a such a small nanotank?).

Any ideas?

I was thinking that a pair of Helfrichi dartfish would nice. Or perhaps a pair of hawaiian flame wrasses. Or finally, a candy basslet (swalisi) with a pistol shrimp and watchman goby.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


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Nix the fairy wrasse idea (most get 5") and you've got a good start.




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The swalesi would be a great option here, but it will eat that pistol shrimp right quick. Otherwise they can be trained to be quite tame. Mine is just about eating mysis out of my fingers at this point. Some folks tell me that's unusual though.

If helfrichis are like other firefish they're quite timid, but they'll be out a lot.

If you're really intrigued by the tame/personable aspect, get a small clown or neon goby or hawkfish. Neither are rare but both will pretty much sit on your hand if they think you might have food in it.


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I think a single Paracheilinus carpenteri could work too.



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Agree Matt..My clown will actually sit in my hand..He has no fear and lets me touch her in the tank...Definitely personable but not rare...


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Thanks for your input. I would never have guessed that a candy basslet could take out a pistol shrimp. I have only seen pictures of candy basslets and have never seen one in person but people tell me that its one of the most spectacular fish. What makes it so spectacular?

Also, would the bioload be too high if I got two helfrichis and a clown goby (great recommendation by the way, my girlfriend will love it)?

Finally, is a candy basslet compatible with a clown goby or would it try to eat it as well?

Thanks again for all of your advice. I really want to plan everything out with this little tank as much possible.


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Sorry, I thought Matt said clown fish..didnt catch the goby part...but those are neat too[clown gobies]...I would like to get one myself one of these days..


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Careful with clown gobies if you have sps frags... I have seen them get a taste of certain color/species of sps and devour the entire frag(s) in under a day. I think they naturally pick a polyp here and there (not a problem in a colony) but against frags they can be death.

Another option for your rare fish would be a purple or helfrichi firefish...


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A candy basslet and a clown goby would work just fine together. I would add the goby first just to be on the safe side though.

I have a L. swalesi, green clown goby, and Plectranthias perchlet or geometric hawk in my nanocube and all get along well.


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What makes it so spectacular?

8O 8O 8O

They are completely reefsafe except for very small shrimp. Snails corals and other fish that aren't bite sized are safe. They are very passive to other fish as well. A helfrichi's firefish and candy basslet would make great tankmates in a 12 gallon deep reef biotope.


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I think that two Helfrich and a candy basslet would be awesome (also, incredibly expensive!).

I understand that both of these types of fish come from deep waters--hence the deep water biotope suggestion. But will the fish adapt to having more light (48 watts that would come in a nano12 delux) or will they always cower away?

Also, and this will be my last question, is there such a thing as a caribbean candy basslet? I went to my lfs and he told me that the brightest and most colorful candy basslet comes from the deepwaters of carribean. He stated that the caribbean variety is EXTREMELY rare because it is primarily found 300+ feet deep. And that he has seen only this fish 1 time in his 7 or 8 years of running his lfs. I was wondering if you had also heard of a caribbean variety and whether it was truly more colorful than the regular swalesi?

Once again, thank you very much for your advice. I truly appreciate it.



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In response to your question, the swalesi is the Pacific variety that has only started showing up in the last couple years or so. They're generally a lot less expensive than the Carribean candy basslet, aka. liopropoma carmabi. If you can find one, I think they go for $400+.


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Thanks for clearing that up: So the swalasi is the less expensive pacific variety while the carmabi is the more expensive (and possibly more brilliant) caribbean variety.



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Correct. Both are pretty similar looking though. The basslet won't mind a lot of light. Never kept the helfrichi's but the purple firefish doesn't mind high light and it's from deep water.

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