hey i was wondering what it would take to increase the lighting in an jbj nano cube - will it be like taking out the mirror and rigging up a spot for new lights or could i just like replace the bulb with a more powerful one?
my main goal is to have a tank loaded with an array or colors and i would also like to have some corals that my clown gobies would enjoy playing in like a torch coral or something. i would also like to have a small tree coral and if ever possible a small clam. i know they require ultra lighting but i was wondering if it is possible to do it with a nano cube? if so how? my last question is how does everyone get these amazing looking polyps? at my LFS they mostly get brown or sewage colored ones in. where do you find the violet and blue and green ones? the owner of the store says he cant control what color they send so i was wondering if it is safe to get them from the internet. i would prefer not too but if thats the only way i will try. any info is appreciated - thanks, wayne.
my main goal is to have a tank loaded with an array or colors and i would also like to have some corals that my clown gobies would enjoy playing in like a torch coral or something. i would also like to have a small tree coral and if ever possible a small clam. i know they require ultra lighting but i was wondering if it is possible to do it with a nano cube? if so how? my last question is how does everyone get these amazing looking polyps? at my LFS they mostly get brown or sewage colored ones in. where do you find the violet and blue and green ones? the owner of the store says he cant control what color they send so i was wondering if it is safe to get them from the internet. i would prefer not too but if thats the only way i will try. any info is appreciated - thanks, wayne.