That would surely be 7.5 inches, from tip of the black adjusting knob (which is really a fixed rubber boot with a rotary dial just underneath) to tip of heating element. Good heater, very reliable and consistent.
I'll tell you a neat and short story about this heater, its currently the smallest one I know of (I use one in the Mini.50) in terms of all-in-one submersibles. It appears to be smaller than the
Tronic heaters IIRC. In my opinion, the only thing holding back pico reef evolution is heater design (we need them small and digital) and pump/impeller setups for ultra-small water movement. The only reason I'm not running a smaller pico reef is because I have seen that non-heated and pad heated nanos, while workable, are simply too much worry and maintenance for my climate and are not as stable as ones using small thermostat heaters. It is quite possible to purchase a simple probe and switch element from (ask for the print magazine, more content) and rig this to the power supply of a heating pad, effectively regulating it, but that's still not as simple as a stick-in heater that does it all.
So, to summarize I am waiting for 13watt metal-halide fixture, nickel-sized powerhead and a fully scaled-down aquarium heater the size of a crayon. Who wants to bet we start seeing them some time soon eh?
In the meantime I'll settle for Azoo galaxy lights, mini-jet 14's and the good old Visitherm 25watter.