tell me if i did ok. it's my first marine tank it has 20lb argonite sand, 15lbs cured LR. ijust got it set up un sunday. trying to learn how to best take pics of the tank so forgive me if they suck. i ran out of batteries before i could get it down. i made two great caves for the fish to swim through and the rock is not touching the glass anywhere. did my first tests today no nitrate, nitrite, or ammonia. ph looks perfect, but my salinity is a little bit low. it seems to have changed since i first put it in. was high now it is low. added some warm salty water to try and bring it up. i sthis normal because it is new? i am using 2 different box type testers to check it they both read about the same. temp has been pretty steady at about 77.4F. i have seen lots of interesting stuff on the rock little clear bugs with two antannae sticking ou of their heads what looks like tiny fan worms little tiny red and white things that look like corals. and the only thing i think i can call by name is green bubble alge in two spots. well i hope you all let me know what you think.
talk to you later
talk to you later