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What kind of moonlight are you nano-ers using? I'm getting a nano-cube deluxe soon and want to add a moonlight.


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I bought one from fishbowlinnovations.com. He sells mostly on ebay, but will sell direct for $40. It's a very nice 5 LED tube design so you can stick it almost anywhere and rotate it to shine where you like. Technically: a total waste of money. Asthetically: 110% worth it IMO.


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I purchased the same one as apex003.
I placed it under the splash guard as far from the light as I could get. Looks awesome at night. I have it on a timer for about 4 hours, which gives the tank complete darkness from around 11pm till sun up.


Advanced Reefer
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I use a cheap GEC nightlight from WalMart,, cost about 4 bux I think. It has a built in LSD so it turns on automatically when the actinics go out and turns off in the morning.

Not as bright as these fancy-schmancy LED's but works fine on my 75.


Experienced Reefer
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Here are the one I DIYed for my pico. It was easy. I got the LEDs from local RadioShack and picked up the power supply from the near by Walmart. Is working great. Tonight I'm painting the backs of the LEDs with nail polish. Should knock out light bleeding out and help protect from heat as my LEDs are so darn close to the Light.



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Moonlights are really great for the health and sanity of your fish, in my opinion and experience. It really brings out the noctornal behavior of many species, and it makes for a wicked night-light if you keep your tank in your room! :wink:
Corals also have different behavioral patterns when exposed to the frequency of light that is moonlight, and many inverts come out or do things under moonlight that they just dont do "in the dark".

I have two moonlights built into my lighting fixture, a Custom Sea Life 2x65-Watt PC fixture in its own aluminum housing.

For what its worth, getting a moonlight setup would be both aesthetically and practically a smart move, helping the dynamics of your reef ecosystem. Also, try and get the ones that are external or after-market, because the ones that come built into fixtures are not replaceable, and when they start to crap out, thats it (Im having that problem right now, actually...).

Good luck, though, and make up your own mind! :wink:

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