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Hey there everyone. Here are a few pic's of my cube for viewing. I have been up and running for 4 months now. Everything has gone well for me up to this point. Running tank as bought...aside from regular maintenance.

Here is what I have in there:

1 Maroon Clown
1 Blue Tang
1 Polka Dot Boxfish
1 Red BTA
2 other anenomies...not sure what they are...one is small and green with skinny long tenticles...the othe is white and had small short flat triangular shaped tenticles.
1 frog spawn
2 cauliflower looking corals. not sure what kind...one is white with pink, and the other is pink/purple with purple on it.
1 polyps
1 rock purple mushrooms
6 hermits
1 snail
1 orange star fish
1 green reef crab
1 cleaner shrimp
12 lbs LS
10-12 lbs LR


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    tank 1 10-15-04.jpg
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    tank 2 10-15-04.jpg
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  • tank 3 10-15-04.jpg
    tank 3 10-15-04.jpg
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Advanced Reefer
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Looks nice but this tank is a heartbreak waiting to happen.

You can't keep a Hippo Tang in a 12g cube,, he will get severely stressed one way or another. You've been told this previously,, why is the poor thing still in there?

A box fish has no business being in a tank that small. That looks like Ostracion cubicus which is poisonous,,, if it gets stressed it can release a toxin that will kill everything in that tank in a matter of minutes.


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I've got a shop owner near me that would probably do (and sell) the same thing.. :roll:


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notice how he won't reply! i think we have scared him off, maybe he has got some sense knocked into him! i would like to know how long that blue tang has been there, because his life is about to become much shorter..

get all three of those fish out of there, im surpirsed the BTA has survived under what looks like stock lighting.

start again mate, thats a disaster about to unravel..


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You betcha alf! - Excellent book. - I've also got a much older book thats formatted like that one too from about 15 years ago.

They're probably the best 2 investments I've made in the hobby yet.


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a maroon would be fine in there as they arent big swimmers, but as always, you want the best for them, so i usually recommend 30's but a 12 would be fine well, of course unless you want it knocking over stuff when its large


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Let's please keep the criticism constructive guys...

McFudge, are you aware of the adult sizes of your fish?


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Hey, Im keeping a Sailfin tang in a 29, but its about an inch and a half long...

When theyre smaller, its cool, but they grow... Ive kept a Sailfin in ym 29 before, but you can always tell when theyre starting to out grow there little space with the beginnings of antsy behavior... I always spotted it early on, and my previous tang has been put out to pasture in a nice 180 gallon reef tank in my neighbors place...

Yeah yeah, people, dont you guys have something better to do or say than rag on a guy about whats obviously a temporary arrangment? At least Im hoping its quite temporary...

Anywho, the cube looks good, but Im also wondering about your lighting situation...? Stock or modified?
You have some nice looking rock there, BTW, McFudge! :wink:


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Thanks for all the replies. I kind of assumed those were the types of remarks I would get.

I have been wanting to take the tang and the maroon out for a while now, but getting them out of there proved to be harder than first imagined. And the maroon will be devastated if I take him away from his beloved anenomi. However, that is my goal for this weekend. Suggestions....

I no doughty have been getting some horrible advice from the local fish store. The boxfish was a present and I had no choice but to put him in my tank or death was imminent. He has only been in there since Sunday and seems to be doing well. I will have to see if that store will take him back.

The lighting is still stock. The anenomi seems to be doing well though.
I am also planning on doing a lighting mod this weekend...doubling the 24watts to 2x24watts.

Thanks for the positive remarks DewrGleision

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