I became so intrigued by the numerous Art Deco 3/4 picos and Brandon's Mini75 that I needed to delve into the bonsai art of the sub-gallon genre.
My pico has not been running very long (3 weeks), so it hardly constitutes success. I just hope that it might encourage more to take a stab at this growing trend.
Equipment List
Half gallon acrylic aquarium: $8
Visi-therm 25W mini heater: $11
Red Sea nano filter: $8
Black clip-on lamp: $7
Coralife Mini Compact 10W 50/50: $11
Despite being one of my least expensive endeavors in this hobby, it was fun and rewarding.
The dimensions of the .5 gallon tank is 6X6X4. I decided to go with a single mini bommy display, giving the corals a bit more room to grow. The water, live sand, live rock, hermits, and Montipora Digitata frags were pulled from my main system. The bumblebee snail and yellow clown goby were purchased soon after everything was in place.
Roughly 30% of the water is exchanged between my main tank and pico on a weekly basis. I'm also able to carefully dose drops of Tech CB and DT's Phytoplankton with a tubifex worm syringe.
We still had some 90+ degree weather in September, and it was good to see that the temp still did not rise above 82. On average, about an ounce of RO/DI water is needed for topoff on a daily basis.
My pico has not been running very long (3 weeks), so it hardly constitutes success. I just hope that it might encourage more to take a stab at this growing trend.
Equipment List
Half gallon acrylic aquarium: $8
Visi-therm 25W mini heater: $11
Red Sea nano filter: $8
Black clip-on lamp: $7
Coralife Mini Compact 10W 50/50: $11
Despite being one of my least expensive endeavors in this hobby, it was fun and rewarding.
The dimensions of the .5 gallon tank is 6X6X4. I decided to go with a single mini bommy display, giving the corals a bit more room to grow. The water, live sand, live rock, hermits, and Montipora Digitata frags were pulled from my main system. The bumblebee snail and yellow clown goby were purchased soon after everything was in place.
Roughly 30% of the water is exchanged between my main tank and pico on a weekly basis. I'm also able to carefully dose drops of Tech CB and DT's Phytoplankton with a tubifex worm syringe.
We still had some 90+ degree weather in September, and it was good to see that the temp still did not rise above 82. On average, about an ounce of RO/DI water is needed for topoff on a daily basis.