Okay so may pico has been up and running quite well for the last few months no problems. I wanted to add a coral and have been waiing for something small enough to arrive at the LFS. Well they finally had a small Sun Polp about 2" long. After reading up on them they seem quite durable and easy first corals to try. So I went back to the LFS to pick it up and on my ou t the Door their little pico had the small juvie Tomato Clown I have seen and it was in their pico. I was shocked! I have always wanted to get one and with my 55gal not quiet set up yet, I have had to wait. But this one wasn't even an 1" long. I asked how long they had had him, about 3 days and was health and eating well. So it picked him up and he is swimming happily in my 3/4g azoo/red sea setup.
Now my question is...Am I a horrible person for not waiting and putting him in my 55, but instead torturing the little guy with a 3/4g? Once he out grows the 3/4g, the 55g will be his next home. But I have still have to get the LR in the 55g (no money so no LR, right now). He seems really happy and swims all.
Let me know what you think?
Here are sme picts
Now my question is...Am I a horrible person for not waiting and putting him in my 55, but instead torturing the little guy with a 3/4g? Once he out grows the 3/4g, the 55g will be his next home. But I have still have to get the LR in the 55g (no money so no LR, right now). He seems really happy and swims all.
Let me know what you think?
Here are sme picts