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Ok, its been decided; Im scrapping the 29g and going for a nano-cube! Too much work for the big tank (too much cleaning, to be precise...), and I like the idea of a little tank where everything is so much more visible!
Well, now I just have to... do something.... *Lazyness*
Is it going to be too much work selling stuff off and finding new homes for my tank inhabitants (the ones I wont keep, anyway)? Argh...

Anywho, heres the query, deary(ies): where can I get the best price for a JBJ nano-cube online? I need to find a reputable dealer, and one that would preffably already have the retrofit kits and other nano-abilia...
Also, Hwarang, I ask you this now after my mind is made up (such is the way of beaurocracies and lazy people); can I follow in your stead, pursue the awesome coolness of you success, and seek your ultimate w0otness? I realize to reach the level of wo0t-dom that you nano-cube has attained, Ill have to build on the frame work that I have seen you lay out on this board in the past; all that I ask is that I can do the same without breaking un-spoken law... Yea or nay?

Gracie, andiamos!


Gee, I wish someone would answer you, I wanna read the replies. (hope this bump helps)


As soon as you stop using the word "w00t-ness" I will answer all of your questions.

Just kidding.

I don't know where to find one cheap, but I'm selling mine for $50!


Best price online I have seen is $99 ... and when you count shipping in it's about the same as retail. So I just picked up my nanocube for $120 from my LFS.

I don't know anywhere that sells the CSL light retrofit kits (is that what you were referring to?) They're out of business or something, but word on the street is that there's still vendors burning off inventory, and that some other company is going to start producing the 32w PC 50/50 retrofits.

I don't know what exactly you asked me, but I like how you asked it. I think you should out-do me ... one up me. Show me who's boss!! I need to get put in my place every now and again.

Don't forget to post pixxors!


Argh... Too lazy to out-do ya...
I asked if I could do similar stuff and still think Im cool enough to post pics of the damn thing without you invoking copyright titles to w0otNess and my dignity... I dont have any left, so youd be gimped in any case; neener!

anyway... quiet Matt; WO0tneSS rulz while it rocks your socks, and other stuff... Nyah. I want your cube, butId have to sell some of my other stuff first, and I dont even know how to go about taking an aquarium down! Crap; I didnt even know what I was doing when I set the thing up. what the hell am I supposed to do now?! *hangs head*
Dont suppose youd hang on to it for me? Ya know, while I figure this whole thing out?... Euhh...


Matt, still got that cube for $50?
I think Im close to reaching those kind of funds; quite close!
Let me know!


DAMN YOU MATT!!! *Charleton Heston cry to the sky*
And you even go as far as to pevert the single most highest term of greatness and glory against me! Oh the pain! Oh the humanity!!!

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