It's not the wattage, Nik, it's the intensity and PAR that matters. I know that T. derasa can be kept under normal output fluoros because I did it, and with good growth (til the mantis took him out :evil: ). It is not one of the tridacnids that requires high intensity light, much like Hippopus hippopus (but lots prettier!).
As I recollect (because txg started this off with an email to WWM), he's going to have some 10K in that mix. A 20 long is shallower than a 20 tall. Also, he's fitting these bulbs into a hood made for the tank, I'm thinking these bulbs are going to be fairly close to the water.
I'd advise going easy on the hermatypic and other calcium-requiring specimens, so that he can keep things on the cheap, but what I've listed are all specimens I've kept myself under a bank of mixed NO bulbs.