IF anyone on here wants shells and wants to pay for S/H and maybe pitch me a couple of bucks... I have access to a plethra of snail shells.
They aren't overly pretty to some folks I suppose... but some are nice and I personally like these shells.
I live on the coast of Maine and there are plenty of atlantic snail and welk type snails shells here. most are brown, black, or combos of those colors.
I put in a whole hand full and my hermits are forever mulling them over, they don't even seem to battle one another so much either.
None of them are very big the biggest not more than 1/2" opening.
I always count on them to clean up snails that fall upside down that I don't see or for whatever reason need to be cleaned up.
Maybe they do eat some snails, but the turbos seem to be so prolific that if a few get eaten.. ((shrug)) thats the food chain.
My single red hermit is my personal favorite. but IMHO like people and our communities, I think if a tank has more diversity it is destined to be a stronger tank in the end... so I keep some of each blue, red (scarlet), zebra, tipped. As long as they don't eat the stuff I want to make more of... their in!