So after some time I have finally realized that I spend more time in my office than at home. This has prompted me to begin planning and design of a nano for the office. I want to build something around one of the 7.5 gallon bowfront tanks. I know these are popular for nanos and they just look cool. Does anyone know if this can be drilled? I noticed they are made of a much thicker glass than 10 gallon tanks and my LFS said that they won't drill anything smaller than a 20 because the glass is just to thin and brittle. I am waiting to hear from the guy who drills their tanks to see if he will drill the 7.5. I also want my system to be mostly hands-free. While I so spend a lot of time in the office I am gone 2 days a week for the weekend and I am not making the 45 minute commute to feed fish and corals. I have a simple design that will use a custom build bowfront cabinet that mimics the bowfront of the display tank. Could you check it out and give me some suggestions? My plan is to design a tank that can be left for 7 days without human intervention and still be in good shape. This isn't too far away since I already have a 75 gallon that I can leave for 7 days without any care other than occasional feeding.