I give this about two seconds for Matt to reply, that's his favorite fish. I don't own any sw fish at the time so Im not much help in the fish dept. Heres a bump anyway...
www.themarinecenter.com as well, they occasionally have pairs. I would ask your LFS if they can get one as well. I have seen one in person once in my life. It's a really pretty fish.
Thanks everyone. I saw a picture of one along with its care info, and knew I wanted at least one, if not a pair. Great looking little fish. Although they cost so much if one dies, I may cry like a 2yr. old!
Very important to cover all your tops and overflows with something so they can't get through. Otherwise they are hardy little fish as long as they're kept with peaceful tankmates.
I don't see a price, but I'm aware they sell them for much cheaper now. It happens...they become popular, and collectors catch more. Orchid dottys and royal grammas used to be terribly expensive too, but then they dropped in price.
yes they are beautiful fish..need to ask NKT if he still has them..kinda pricey for a 2" fish..so need to take xtra special care of them... :wink: im pleased with my "normal" fire fish though...