Hi there
Thought I'd throw this question out for group discussion. I'm looking to purchase my first mini/nano type reef tank. I have had many years of salt water experience in the past ranging from reefs, octopi, inverts and shark tanks. I've been out of the hobby for a few years now due to a young family and would like to reinvest in the hobby. I believe a nano style tank would be a great place to introduce the family to the saltwater hobby.
Focus of habitants would be clowns and anemones - any advice on tank manufactures, extra options (skimmers) and lighting would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks - Chris
Thought I'd throw this question out for group discussion. I'm looking to purchase my first mini/nano type reef tank. I have had many years of salt water experience in the past ranging from reefs, octopi, inverts and shark tanks. I've been out of the hobby for a few years now due to a young family and would like to reinvest in the hobby. I believe a nano style tank would be a great place to introduce the family to the saltwater hobby.
Focus of habitants would be clowns and anemones - any advice on tank manufactures, extra options (skimmers) and lighting would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks - Chris