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Hello all,

I'm thinking of trying my first nano. I've got a false percula that is not fairing well with a newly added sebae. Thinking of starting a small tank to move him into. Question. Is a 5 gallon to small? I was going to take some sand,rock and water out of my larger tank to start this small one to minimize any shock. Good idea or bad?

Thanks in advance,


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How big is your perc? if he's still small, a 5 gal would be fine. I've got two small false percs in a 10. I had teh tank lying aound, so that's what they went into. IF you've got the tank go for it. HOWEVER, most places I've found a 10 gallon tank to run about $7 while a 5 gallon runs somewhere around $12. Since you're going to be doing water changes from your big tank, Why not go with the extra gallonage?

What other equipment are you planning for the 5?



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He's what I would call midsize. I've had him for about 2 years and I'm tired of seeing him picked on. So I figured I'll take him to work. I know he'll will spark conversation. I've got a eclipse 5 that I'm oing to use. I've taken about 8lbs. of rock out of my 135 and about 5lbs of sand. I'm going to start simple. Just use the filtration that's on the tank for circulation and go from there. Later if I like it, I'll upgrade the lighting and whatnot. Thanks for your reply.



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so is it adult size after two years? if hes gonna be the only fish too i dont see a problem..go for it guess...thats a nice conversation piece for work :D


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Yeah, he'll be the only fish in the tank. Other inhabitants may be a cleaner shrimp, hermits and a few snails. And he will not be known as Nemo. I've got him in the tank now and he's seems very happy. Actually, I saw him eat for the first time in a week. I'm sure he was eating a little at home, but not near what he was used to. I'll keap everyone updated and maybe even try to get a pic or two.



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Yeah, I know what you mean. I'd like to give the people who made that "Nemo" movie a good old fashioned a$$ kicking. I'll never buy another clown fish.


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Yeah I setup a nano at a school where I work, more specifically in the Library. Everyday I hear someone talking about Nemo. But thats ok PIXAR made that film and you know I am a MAC addict ;)
Its fun to talk to people about the tank/fish, you can see the gears turning..muhaha.

(for those that don't understand, Steve Jobs runs Apple and PIXAR)



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Every time I'm in our LFS and see some mom/dad bring their snot-nosed brat in I cringe. Kids start tapping on the tank screaming 'NEMO!! NEMO!!'
Makes me wanna feed em to the eels....slowly.
*shrug* But that's me :twisted: :twisted:

And no, I don't hate kids. I've got 2 daughters who are wonderful...of course, I'm biased.

I hate undisciplined kids...grrrrr :D :D


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Come on, kids dont know better..Nemo has boosted the SW industry i think...I know its annoying but i happen to like Nemo... :D looks it Nemo!
sorry im just simpathizing someones gotta stick up for NEMO...


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Hey, I like Nemo too...heck, I even own the DVD. I agree that it's brought new interest in the hobby, but unfortunately I feel that too much is *bad* interest.
How many of us have seen those 'specials' at some LFS or major retailer? I'm sure the majority of those kits are purchased by people who have no clue as to the proper care of a saltwater species.

I just shudder at the thought of someone buying their 5 year old one of these kits because it's 'cute' just so they can have a 'Nemo' only to find later that they have no idea how to properly care for it.
All too often, the purchaser isn't informed as to what their long term care will entail, nor what kind of care they need in the first place.

Then again, I'm the sort who doesn't believe *any* child should get a pet of their own...be it hamster, gerbil or whatnot. If the parent doesn't wind up taking care of a majority of these animals, they become nothing more than a 'popcorn pet'. The gerbil died? Well it's only a gerbil and they're on sale for $8 so we'll just get a replacement....
Goldfish floating? No prob..just flush that lil sucker and go get one that looks like it so the kids don't know...

It's this kind of mindset that drives many parents to getting these animals IMHO and it's one that leads to needless deaths and poor treatment of these animals while they are in that persons care.

Again....just my opinion, whether you agree, disagree, or are indifferent...

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