Today I found the best way to double the lighting in my 12G nano. First, wake up in the morning, clean up some things and then take a break. While you are on that break spend some time to just look at you tank. The next thing you will know you will witness the glass on your tank to crack right before your eyes! 8O From the top right corner all the way down to the bottom left corner. The next step is to call up your closest buddy and tell him to grab all of his buckets and spare lights and get to your house ASAP. After that all you have to do is get very pissed off :evil: and then go to your LFS to buy another nano (3 months after you bought the first). Next thing you know you have doubled the lighting!! Not only have you done that but you have also cleaned the inside glass and replaced the carbon bag. So for only $106 you can spend a day like I just did. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :evil: :evil: :evil:
(no inverts or coral were harmed in the making of this day)
(no inverts or coral were harmed in the making of this day)