I am totally blown away that you'd sticky me for a bit. My sum total maintenance/husbandry is:
1. Change 2 gallons of saltwater every other week
2. change the carbon/floss cartridge when changing the water.
3. put a frozen cube of Hikari bloodworms in every other day.
I purchase premade saltwater fom my LFS, which i'm guessing he doses with some calcium.
I'm totally lucky with a psycho mandarin that eats food. The flame doesn't eat anything in the tank near as i can tell, only the food. I'm convinced that as my tiny flame grows, he'll need a bigger tank (the 40long is already in the garage, and the stand is being made) my lights are a twin-lamp eclipse, 1 actinic and 1 10k. a powerhead in back creates a circular swirl. i'll take some pics today of the ricordia, the hairy mushroom, and maybe catch the mandarin.
this forum is the absolute best, and i'm the last tank which should be featured as i do absolutely nothing. The eclipse system is tight enough i don't even top off or anything. This tank has finally proven to me that leaving your tank alone and keeping things simple is the best way. Nature has things figured out, and doesn't need us to keep screwing things up.