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Here is pictures of my hood with the modified lights. I now have 2 24watt PC bulbs. There are also a picture of the back which I have converted in to a refuguim. Although i think that it will need some extra light. It doesn't look like there is enough going back there. Please comment on this idea.



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the water is coming on monday as well as live sand from a local friend. How should I put the sand in. Just lay it on top, burry it in or other? I am also going to mix 5 gallons of his "used" water in with new water. Is that a good idea. My hopes are that it will cut down on the cycle time on this startup.


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Very impressive looking. The only advice that I can offer is that if you do plan on putting a light over the fuge, make sure you seal it well from splash/evaporation/salt creep somehow. I would keep a close eye on your temp the first few days as well.

Your best bet would be to use ONLY his used water when adding the live sand. You would have virtually no cycle, because the sand is not experiencing any change in water chemistry, etc. If he can spare that much water, all the better. FWIW, I found the total gallonage of this thing to be a bit less than 12 gallons when the sand was laid on the bottom similar to how yours is, maybe closer to 10.

I would add a bit of water to that existing sand and then stir it up...if you add sand first then water the water doesn't penetrate well; you end up getting air pockets underneath the top layer...then add a bit more water, then drop your live sand right on top of that clean sand. When filling the rest of the water, use a plate on top of the sand to keep it from getting entirely stirred up. You WILL get a sandstorm--it's entirely impossible not to, but it will settle in a few days and won't harm anything.


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Looks great soo far...I have a JBJ nano myself...So far I have about 11 pounds of Caribsea argonite sand. Hope to do about 15-17 pounds of live rock and a refugium. I'm looking to get my live rock this week to begin cycling. Looks like a fun tank to aquascape. What is your livestock plans soo far?


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At this time I really haven't figured out how I am going to aquascape. It will all depend on what kind of rocks that I get from the LFS. I think that I am going to add two fish. A clown and one to be determined. Mostly softies and shrooms. of course that is down the road a bit. Any way I will keep you all updated when I get things rolling.


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Looks great so far. You did a nice job adding the extra light. Are the ballasts all mounted externally now? Have you thought about how you will vent the hood to reduce heat? In the summer months my cube (with stock lighting) would creep up to around 85 degrees in an air conditioned room. I would think that two lights plus a fuge light would create a heat problem. I installed a small fan over the filter compartment and it hangs around 78-80 now. If you need to install a light over the filter compartment, you might not have room for a fan. Looks great, though. I certainly didn't have the courage to chop it up like that, but you made it look like it came that way.


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I haden't really thought about the heat from the lights. I guess that I will deal with the heat when the time comes. I did notice the two holes that look very similar to fan holes. I belive this has been covered before, but which way should I have the air going. In or Out? Or better yet should I make ducts in and out of the light enclosure? This way i can cut down on evaporation. Although I am going to set up an auto topoff. What other "things" should I be thinking about in this setup?


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You definitely want to have air blowing into the hood. It's much more effective this way. Also, having the fan blow out will make it process very humid air, and eventually it becomes corroded.


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Here is the pictures that I have after about 3 hours with the water and LR in. The second is of a little star the came in the sand that I got. The water is cloudy because I was moving the rocks around. I hope that it clears by tomorrow. Also I did add a little yellow clown goby. Just so you know.....I have about 90% of used water from an established tank(about 3 years old). The same about the sand. I got about 3 cups of it as well. I am going to monitor the levels and will report back with the results.


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Here are the picture of the aquascaping...it is only two rocks. It is about 8lbs. The pictures are with the actinic only. Currently the lighting schedule is the actinic turn on at about 7am and the 10k daylight comes on about 8am. The same in the evening, the actinic is on about an hour after the 10K goes off.


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Looks good Ducman. It looks like that extra light really helps. You can probably keep things cool with fans, but you're going to need to move a lot of air through that hood. Evaporation will be an issue, but if you figure out how to do an auto top-off, then you should be fine. And Matt is definitely right about the fan. Blowing humid salty air through the fan will kill it very fast, so have it blow air in from the outside.


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Well, you guys were right. The temp is holding around 82 with the lights on. I will have to look in to hooking up a fan and some how duct that air into the light area and then suct it back out. This way i can try to prevent evapotation. I will get some pictures as I work on it.

How did you guys deal with the film on the top of the water. On my old tank I had a overflow that keep the stuff of the surface. Any suggestions? My thoughts are to create an overflow on to the intake in the bulkhead. Has any one tried this before?


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I use the really hi-tech method of laying a paper towel on the surface of the water and then throwing it out. Plus, when I do my once a week water change, I siphon from the top.


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I had the film on top of my Nanocube as well,,,,, my simple solution was to cut a thin vertical incision in the black plastic from the upper filter-inlet to within about 2mm of the top of the plastic. It breaks the film just like the overflow in my bigger tanks,,, the incision is only half an inch long and it's not terribly visible.

I used a dremel and the edge of a very thin diamond polishing disk to make the incision, but a thin hacksaw blade or maybe a fresh razor-blade would probably do just fine.


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Do you have a picture of what you did?

Also I have found an emerald crab hichiker. He is about the size of a nickel. Everthing seems to be going well. The temp seems to have dropped back to normal. It is 80 F right now. I will still keep monitoring it just to be sure.


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lol,, no I don't have a picture.

Just stick a hacksaw blade in one of the holes in the upper filter inlet and saw upwards until you're near the top,,, as long as the water level is below the top of the incision it will break up the film.

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