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This might not be the right forum, but you guys have provided so much info, I thought I might give it a try. My brother-in-law gave me some Lugol's for my nano's Xenia. Without reading the directions and following his advice of 1 drop in a cup of tank water every other day, now I realize that I have overdose the newly setup xenia. Any ideas as to what to do? My brother-in-law recommended 25% water change and no more Lugol's for at least 2 days. Any of you guys have any advice? Xenia has been in tank for a week and looking great until now. It's all shriveled and not opening at all. :cry:

Thanks in advance.

P.S. All parameters seem OK except gravity at 1.020 and PH at 7.5. No fish and only 5 snails 2 hermits.


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PH at 7.5

You need to fix this immediately, this could be very well whats upsetting your corals. You should be between 8.1-8.4

Fix this fast, KM superbuffer works really well......


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A screwed up PH, in my opinion, is normally a result of deeper problems. I would do a 25-35% water change then the next day do another one. Then retest everything.
BTW I dont really see the need in starting to use that Lugols solution again.
Your choice though.
HTH and good luck
Mercedes S Class


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i agree, reefann, about not using the lugo's again.

the fewer variables you put into any given equation, the easier it is to balance.


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I didnt touch on the salinty, was a little more worried about the ph level 8O

SG should be between 1.023 - 1.025


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Sorry guys, really long day at work. I'll do another water change. And re-test. Brother-in-law has worked at LFS before; I thought he had some knowledge. I'll keep all posted.

Thanks again!


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Just a quick update. Xenia's dead, I think. Should I remove the rock were it is anchored to?
I got the SG back to 1.025 and the PH to 8.0 or so. Amonia and Nitrates still 0. So you guys recommend any Iodine at all?
Thanks for all your help!


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what kind of salt mix do you use, and is it fortified with iodine? if so, you are probably fine, especially since you're doing all these extra water changes.


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I noticed from the thread that you went from 1.020 to 1.025 in less than two days. Also a big PH swing in a short time period. All corals react differently, but I have had to do big salinity increases due to "emergency" situations, and quite a few corals looked dead for a day or two. Might want to give it another day to see if it comes back (unless you are sure it's gone).

You just put your tank through a big swing in a short period. Might want to try to avoid that in the future if possible. I know it is easy to do in the little tanks.


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thhardin you're right. These little nanos are hard. I made the mistake that the first water change was from my untreaded RO water container. I wonder if that's what made the SG go crazy like that.
420puff recommended the superbuffer, which I added. I think I'm going back to the books and the New Reefers forum! BTW the Xenia is turning really pale and doesn't open and close anymore. I know these are one of the hardest to keep alive. Should've stayed with freshwater. Hehe.. Those guppies don't look that bad after all!
Thank you again guys!


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420puff recommended the superbuffer

Superbuffer is a good product to increase your ph but as you know with reefs, nothing good comes without patience. When raising or lowering any of the water parameters it needs to be done slow and steady so you dont damage or upset any of your more sensitive inhabitants.

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