• Why not take a moment to introduce yourself to our members?



I'm willing to bet the vast majority of us got into this hobby because of FISH, first and foremost, and with nanos fish options are pretty limited. On the other hand, I don't have the bank to fully stock a 125 gallon tank with corals, clams, etc. They do just as well in my 6, and fill up comparatively more space.

I'm in love with my 125 FO right now. It's got a bunch of midwater fish, constantly schooling and interacting with each other. It's something you just can't do in a nano. Which reminds me, I need to take some pics!


I like to pay more attention to my hermits and all my little ones..In a large setup i could never do that...I do want a larger setup..some day..but skylsdale if you read my previous post i also said there would be a nano in my bedroom with that special attention...in otherwords i perfer my nanos....I posted this thread in the nanos forum becuz i wanted the visibility of the nano keepers..in a general forum i would get this well nanos arent so good becuz...blah blah blah.. I could have easily went with a larger set up...it would have taken more time and money and patience but i could have done it..i chose a nano i wanted small...Just a little background fer ya!


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Well taken, Nikon.

I think my post came off as a bit abrupt (there are some new "personalities" here since I was last stopping by regularly). I think we would all love that huge system, but there is an attractiveness to nanos that some people just don't understand.


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Alright, wheres Hwarang to lead the charge and retaliate on that one?! C'mon Hwarang, we need a snappy one, quick!
Show Mr. Inferiority Complex here why big gallons doesnt equal big balls!
You just dont have the skill to take care of a more complex and vastly more sensitive nano, dont you Baianotang?

Baianotang... Baiano. Voce e' Baiano? Do Nordeste? Caipira que nao sabe cuidar de uma aquario pequeno? Vai cagar no mato! :twisted:

Let me take this moment to enlighten you, my Baiano friend; read the top of this page. It says NANOS; it should have been self-evident that this is a NANO THREAD. Pull your head out of your big huge 50,000 gallon tank, and bugger off, ya strumpet!


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Yeah i really dislike this Baianotang guy..he constantly makes rude comments..he probably doesnt have a tank to begin with..dont be bothered by his meaningless comments Dewr..Actually ive never seen this guy ever make any meaningful conversation or offer any useful advise..so if we all ignore this stinky little monkey, i think we all will be happy :D :P


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I really wish everyone here could display a bit more civility and positive attitudes; the hostility is really unnecessary.

Please take this kind of stuff to PM.


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Matt i agree but the rude comments by Baiano arent necessary either..the comment was only made to anger people...id rather not even take it the pm..id rather just drop it and continue with the topic discussion...


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We don't delete any posts or threads here at RDO, for that you'll have to go to RC ;)

We just ask people to stop, nicely.


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Wait a second; Baianotang's comments are rude? In what sense?
Hes just voicing his opinion.... IN THE WRONG PLACE.
When will people learn that oppresion or censorship is not a universal or totalitarian principle? I mean, Im as left-wing-bleeding-heart-liberal as it gets, but people in this country have forgotten the grace and tact involved in stating one's opinion, especially in a place and/or time when it is not a point of view many, if any, want to hear. Sheesh!
Tactfulness, Baianotang; go kiss the Blarney Stone for all I give a rat's posterior extremity. Just learn that charisma isnt just an attraction factor; its how you conduct yourself around a dynamic and yet focused group of people, especially in the less well-received of lights...


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nor is freedom of speech applicable to privately owned and operated message boards. read the TOS we all agreed to when we made an account here.

still ... let's not fight about it.



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Wait, this board is privately owned? I knew somebody had to own it, but when you say private, do you mean like corporation-private? Or the civilian type of private?
Man... I should really pay more attention to those TOSs... I read em, but not well enough... :oops:


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This board is operated by private individuals, who PAY out of their own pocket and work many hundred (if not thousand) hours a year for free in order to make this site a resource for all reefkeepers to use. That's why it's reefs.ORG, and not reefs.COM. They are not making money from RDO, and it is not in their best interest to spend their time policing opinions.

As much as you may not like someone's opinion, please don't personally attack them. That's part of our user agreement. If you disagree with what someone is saying, discuss it civilly, or discuss it in PM.



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...Meanwhile, back at the ... nano (Sorry.:) )..
I've considered starting up a Nano. My concern was the quick changes that could occur in temperature, salinity (based on evaporation), and the ph values. Not to mention, I think it would be difficult to have someone babysit who isn't knowledgeable when you go on vacation. What do you do with your nanos when you go on vacation anyway? (I in no means intend to hijack).


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I have a friend who is competent enough to handle feeding and water changes. I set everything out - fish food (flake rations, water jugs etc) and write a note "1 TINY pinch of flake food and top off the water with these jugs"

Worked like a champ and I bought him a steak dinnah as thanks.


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That's kind of what I do too. I have a roommate who just happens to be really interested in the tank, and watches me feed, topoff, etc. He always wants to know what kind of fish that one is, or what kind of coral that is. Anyway, I show him how to maintain it while I'm there, and he can then easily care for the tank if I'm gone for a week on one of my drug smuggling trips.


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I wonder how many of us have friends who enjoy the hobby vicariously through us. I like to entertain at home as much as I go out, and my close friends who spend a fair amount of time at my place are always asking about stuff too, what's the behavior, how much it cost, will it reproduce, etc ...

(they are very excited about my impending mantis shrimp acquisition)



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Man! You guys are lucky! The only person who enjoys the hobby--he has a 55gallon reef--sucks so much at taking care of the basics, and yet he considers himself a master! Hes been doing this since X-mas; I, since late Feb. Thus, he believes that everything I say is wrong; there is no moving the most stubborn kid in the universe! Definitely NOT taking care of my tank when Im gone! I mean, he refuses the notion that squirting HUGE amounts of an all-in-one trace-element/"nutrient" mix (that liquid gold stuff) right directly onto his alveopora with a fat syringe is killing it; you literally watch the thing shrivel as he does it! I have the overwhelming desire to call animal control and report abuse!
No one else around here is much of a reffer that I know of... Unless you'd wanna come on up when Im in Italy and Brazil, Matt! Id totally make it worth your effort!!! (Note: This is a dsiclaimer in consideration of the chance of incident wherein figurative or allusive speech may be mis-understood or mis-interpreted. I am not homosexual, bisexual, hermaphroditic, or even heterosexual; Im celebate.) Just had to say that once and for all; its hard these days to tell just who is what and what that means to one's interactions and affiliations with others. Definitely dont want a mix up... :oops: :D :( :oops:
Also, Matt; would you ever want to trade frags when youre up here in Napa or hereabouts (if you ever are)? I only have LPSs and some mushrooms, though my inventory shall be expanding sometime in the future... I cant do SPS, since my lights are probably inadequate for any SPS, though Im unsure about the Leptoseris foliosa, and maybe the Mycedium sp... Dont suppose you have any of those youd be willing to trade/sell? Id love to get something from you, since I know you know whats the dealio. :D 8)
The people that own/run this have no income whatsoever? Thats hard to believe, since I see ad banners on every page, and I think I remember something about a sponsors page... Are those companies/people doing nothing to support a website they advertise on? Such confuses me... :?


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Oh, and Hwarang! WHat happened to your old avatar?! Youve changed it twice in the last week! I liked the guy punching himself! I had come to associate that guy with you, and now youve gone and thrown my whole world awry! :D

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