So my 40long has the space for a third fish. I've got a mandarin and flame angel currently.
my LFS has recommended getting a tang.
i consider my tank to be two nano's joined together, and need a reef safe and not dirty and not too big third fish. Any suggestions/advice/warnings?
thanks everybody!
ps - thanks matt and brandon for the advice on moving from the 10g to the 40long. it went beautifully. The 2 4ft VHO's are keeping everything very happy.
my LFS has recommended getting a tang.
i consider my tank to be two nano's joined together, and need a reef safe and not dirty and not too big third fish. Any suggestions/advice/warnings?
thanks everybody!
ps - thanks matt and brandon for the advice on moving from the 10g to the 40long. it went beautifully. The 2 4ft VHO's are keeping everything very happy.