This pico reef has been established since December 03. It has been encrusting and growing out, this is the first picture set done yesterday and last week. This reef is based on Mini .75 (3/4 gallon) design, but displaces more water (1/4 gallon more)
this tank however is brand new and so are all the corals and aquascape (4 different caves leading to the rear of the wall). There is a picture of the now dead Mini.75 which has just been moved to a black base without light retros.
Unique features of the pico reef aquarium design:
-This should be the only sealed reef aquarium in operation, never seen the design anywhere else. In my opinion, sealed reef design will evolve the world of pico reef setups more than anything--sg shifts are the number one stressor of nano and pico reef systems (temp a close second)
-Smallest stony coral focus reef, 1/2 gallon housing euphyllia, montipora, blastomussa, acropora frags (new) and caulastrea. Special consideration given to zoathids, ~10 varieties
-Runs three weeks in between water changes, requires daily alk and calcium (C-Balance) dosing, weekly topoffs for sg.
-Houses a stenopus boxer shrimp and a dense pod assortment.
-Has not been pruned in nearly 4 months-I still do not understand the growth patterns of stony corals in pico reefs. For some reason, mine grow slowly and do not require constant trimming. This has been attributed to nitrate accumulation, yet my NO3 hardly registers. I do peel back and cut GSP monthly when it gets near my montipora.
-Is set up as a scale model of a 120 gallon reef. The pictures can fool ya!
-Fully encrusted oyster shell plates (calcified rock, not shell) are cut and stacked closely together to make the reef face.
-There is 1/2 inch distance between the front pane of acrylic and the reef wall behind it. All corals were meticulously trimmed with cutting wire and clips to fit in the desired places. Zoanthids have multiplied tenfold with the bright lighting (13w total) and constant calcium/ alk support. the pictures:
this tank however is brand new and so are all the corals and aquascape (4 different caves leading to the rear of the wall). There is a picture of the now dead Mini.75 which has just been moved to a black base without light retros.
Unique features of the pico reef aquarium design:
-This should be the only sealed reef aquarium in operation, never seen the design anywhere else. In my opinion, sealed reef design will evolve the world of pico reef setups more than anything--sg shifts are the number one stressor of nano and pico reef systems (temp a close second)
-Smallest stony coral focus reef, 1/2 gallon housing euphyllia, montipora, blastomussa, acropora frags (new) and caulastrea. Special consideration given to zoathids, ~10 varieties
-Runs three weeks in between water changes, requires daily alk and calcium (C-Balance) dosing, weekly topoffs for sg.
-Houses a stenopus boxer shrimp and a dense pod assortment.
-Has not been pruned in nearly 4 months-I still do not understand the growth patterns of stony corals in pico reefs. For some reason, mine grow slowly and do not require constant trimming. This has been attributed to nitrate accumulation, yet my NO3 hardly registers. I do peel back and cut GSP monthly when it gets near my montipora.
-Is set up as a scale model of a 120 gallon reef. The pictures can fool ya!
-Fully encrusted oyster shell plates (calcified rock, not shell) are cut and stacked closely together to make the reef face.
-There is 1/2 inch distance between the front pane of acrylic and the reef wall behind it. All corals were meticulously trimmed with cutting wire and clips to fit in the desired places. Zoanthids have multiplied tenfold with the bright lighting (13w total) and constant calcium/ alk support. the pictures: