Well, I have a green montipora that is in the tank now... it's pretty high, about 2" from the top of the water. the pom pom xenia in the tank though aren't all that happy even though they are high up, i think something is bothering them at the moment a little bit. and some of the arms crashed... but i've noticed new growth and it appears to be healthy growth, maybe it just didn't like the little tang all that much. oh yeah, to get back to the montipora. It wasn't doing well at all in the store, so i got it for about 15$ a 6" specimen which in my tank now is turning green again and the polyps are fully out. If i'm able to keep this do you think that the crocea would do well? Also from reading i've seen that the squamosa like a bit of a higher light as well?
P.S. i'll see about getting some pictures of the tank up soon, possibly my webcam will be up as well.