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ok guys, i have a 29g thats been setup for about 6months, and i filled up my 10 wit saltwater and i have just a couple things in it right now. i have a heater, filter, and lights, which is 2 75w vho's. now after my live rock, which i know is next. after all the cycling and stuff. i want to know what you guys think would be a unique tank, i was thinkin like a just maybe species tank. and have every kind of coral in that certain species in it. or maybe like an area tank, with like fish/corals just from the redsea etc. got any idea's? know its kinda broad but i thought i might get more replies that way, thanks austin


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Livingston, NJ
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shrimp and goby are an option since you've got the height (dsb).

kewl looking lobster of some sort is another possibility. is this to attract chicks? 8)

really depends on the LR formation imo. a centered spur and groove valley formation is my fav. LR to each side and tapered-open from front to converged-back. you could line up corals along the walls and 'peepers' on each side (e.g. blood shrimp or dottybacks). clams at the bottom, macro toward the tops. maybe colorful zoanthids along the valley walls, pretty lights above, and butterflies floating...<ahem> sorry. :oops:


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The Red Sea is a great little biotope. One of my favorite endemic fish from there is Pseudochromis fridmani, the orchid dottyback. These guys break all the rules of dottybacks. They are incredibly peaceful towards other fish, yet remarkably hardy and inquisitve. They are also sexually dimorphic, so you can find a male and a female...I think this would be an ideal combo in a 10 gallon. I have a pair in a 40 gallon that constantly dart at each other in mock aggression and hide in holes together.

If you'd like, CB individuals are available from ORA ( www.orafarm.com ). They don't sell to individuals, but your LFS should be able to special order a verified male and female together. The bottom of the male's tail fin has a slight streamer, while the female's is perfectly round.

I don't really know the geographic ranges of corals off the top of my head, but Xenia, Capnella, and Sinularia are probably found there. These would all spread out and eventually cover the tank.

Other ideas...caribbean, hawaiian, deep water...


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Livingston, NJ
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Matt_Wandell":278spb7f said:
One of my favorite endemic fish from there is Pseudochromis fridmani, the orchid dottyback.

I don't really know the geographic ranges of corals off the top of my head, but Xenia, Capnella, and Sinularia are probably found there.
it's funny you should mention the orchid and its particular habitat, as it is the central theme of my desk tank. reef wall with exactly what you mentioned as corals. i added in a couple of toadies tho as they're my fav.

my only regret is not shaping the rockwork a little better around the top and together. but otoh watching the pseudo swim among the networks of nooks and caves is really amusing. (e.g. he darts into one side and pops out of the other side of the tank, see him here, see him there) :) caution: does not play well with crustys.


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what light wattage does everyone think I should have for my 20 gal. I have 2 15w bulbs, one is a sun-glo kelvin is 4200 and a power-glo with 18000 kelvin. Are the two adequete for my 20 gal.


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also, I have a outside filter and protein-skimmer in one, but it produces alot of tiny bubbles in the tank and disrupts clarity. Is there a different kind of skimmer that wont do this, like some kind of external skimmer that fit's on the side of the tank or on the floor?


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You definately need more light, (unless you're going with a deep water bio) Over a 20 you can get a nice dual 65 watt pc.

Check out Remora Pro, or Backpak 2 for hang on skimmers



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ok guys, this is my idea, i dont know if it will work, but here goes, ia m gonna fill the whole tank bottomup with ls, then i am gonna cover the bottom with flat peices of lr, and then once its stable i am gonna buy a rose anemone, all the while before that saving up for it. then when i get it i plan on feeding it alot and having it split, my lfs has agreed to give me 70 dollars a peice for them if they split. the only thing i dont have planned out yet is what type of filtration i plan on using. i have a little whisper power filter on it now, why it is in there just to keep the water clean and stuff. any suggest's. i want it to be cheap.


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Livingston, NJ
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you might want to try out a cheap condy before investing into a rose. it's like breeding a clown before trying to breed an angel. :lol: if you can successfully handle that, then you're pointed in the right direction.

be careful of intakes, PH or HOB.


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ok, are condys as liky to split as bta's cause i have kept anemones, if i feed the condy alot and stuff you think it will split as often as a bta would


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Condys need a lot of light,, more than BTA's in my experience. My BTA's split every few months but they do get a lot of food.

Maybe Condys will split in an aquarium but I've never seen or heard of it. I've had mine for 2 years and it's pretty big and well-fed but no babies have ever turned up.


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hmm, i have 150watts of vho light over my 10, so i think i have plenty of light. i just want my rose. lol, i am willing to feed them all the time i just want to know what to use for filtration with a tank with just and anemone, lr, and ls, any suggests.


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With 15 watts per gallon you can keep whatever the hell you like in there mate. lol

I would think a hang-on filter and small powerhead would suffice if there's no bioload other than anemones.

BTA's spew little pellets of stuff they can't digest though,, so maybe get a few little hermits to clean up the mess.

There's a guy who sells Rose BTA's cheap on Ebay ,,, I've heard good things about them though I've never bought one off him myself (I did buy a Nanocube off him though) ,,, check it out:

http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?V ... =3&rows=50


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i know, isnt it kool, i upgraded my lighting for my 29g and just put the vho setup over my ten. i will consider that guy on ebay.thanks for your help man, much appreciated

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