dude that tank is awesome, where did you get that sand?? and do you like it. i am about to set up my 10g and i would love to have black sand. also when you got it did you buy it as live sand or just regular.??
My LFS has had that type of sand for a while. In a fine and larger grade. I was thinking about setting up a 5 or 10 gallon tank and putting that sand and a bar goby in there.
The sand is called black calcite. It is very small in particle size but heavy! Very beneficial for good water flow. There is actually a half of bag of white live sand hidden under neath it all.
BTW, do you have any crabs or snails in there? I have a 3 gallon that I'm about to set up and always wanted to do some black sand, but am worried that the animal waste will be *too* visible. I have a cute little emerald crab in my 10 g nano now, and sheesh does he poo a lot.