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I was also wondering if you like to feed the pico anything, frozen food bits or some kind of pellet food to encourage copepod growth? The mushrooms will appreciate this as well, I once read somewhere that a significant portion of their diet can come from suspended compounds and proteins, which only exist if the bowl is fed very sparingly at regular intervals.


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Chris, I think your reef is a great contender for the nano spotlight, yours will be the first true pico referenced with a sticky. Have fun, hopefully we can get you up to 500-600 views by the time its all through. Good luck!


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Thanks so much, Brandon! So far, so good, but it's only been in existence about three weeks and I'm doing my best to limit variables at this point. Even after three weeks, I feel that I've learned a lot more from my "German nano" than any other tank I've ever kept. It definitely forces you to "get down to basics." Keeping it beside my computer so I can study it between thoughts has also been a great educational experience.


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After reading your first post again something became clear, I missed the fact that your water source already has sufficient suspended compounds. This means feeding can be extremely light in the pico, which will greatly extend its stability and longevity. A few whole food bits sometimes would be nice, the copepods will completely reduce them. Did you get a few copepods and worms/starfish on your live rock?


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Brandon, the use of established system water for water changes is considered to be an essential part of this "German" system. Some copepods and worms did come along with the rock, but I'm seeing a few microscopic-size organanisms bopping around also. I just started feeding a miniscule amount (I wet the tip of my index finger with it and swirl it into the bowl) of liquid phytoplankton last Saturday ("Instant Algae Coral and Clam Diet"). It was recommended that I do this 2-3 times/week.


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Here is the translation according to BabelFish:

Task that this picoreef from 1 liter (with cliffs and sand much less) demonstrates as bonds can be obtained turn out to you also with little means, and good ideas. I have made wide use of elements recovers to you from old objects of the just dimension (with a Pò R-di.fortuna...), and opportunely "manomessi". Closed, illuminated E' and termostatato, far from negligible for a acquarietto from 1 single liter! Begun E' as a experiment of you make from you, in order to see end where us it could be pushed with those dimensions, but seems that it is working all like previewed. The diameter of the vaschetta in glass is cm. 14, height 11. The filtering is entrusted to the sun alive cliffs and the movement of the water, online with the tendency puts into effect them for the nanoreef. E' in function gives approximately 3 months and the corals are going well, are present Actinodiscus, Zoanthus, Palythoa (sturdiest), seaweed red limestone Rhodymenia and is an exceptional increase of alghe red and viola. I make the changes with siringone from 60 mililiter in the 2-3 number a pair of times a week. Plastic use one pinzetta for posizionare or moving corals and cliffs. HEATING: I have adapted an extracted element heating from common "fornellino anti-mosquitos" (5w, euro 2,50), mine is in ceramics but ce they are also metallic; enough to take apart the fornellino in plastic, to recover our heating economic and to connect the two spin to those of a simple one extends; one "chicca" unavailable in commerce! The element is posizionato to contact with a hardware circular recovered from an old one lume (of the just diameter), that it has the twofold task to support the Aquarius and to dissipate the heat on one wider surface; the heating one is alone 5 watt, but I assure to you that scalda indeed a lot and if were to contact with the glass would be the risk to crack it. The heating one is controlled from external termostato to probe; in order to avoid antiesteciti external threads, the probe is inserted in the boccia through a hole in the bottom (executed with bottoming drill and tip for glass), and sealed with silicone more far away possible from the heating one; it is posizionata under the sand. The rest of the base is in plywood, the all place setting from a perimeter of sheet fixed with lives to the plywood, and covered with adhesive paper "color wood". All the threads, comprised the small tube of the aereatore, exit from a hole in the posterior part. The temperature is maintained stable on the selected value (25°C), with a excursion little devout? of 0,5° during the night, this has had to the "interferenza" of the lamp and to the little orthodox positioning of the probe regarding the heating one. MOVEMENT WATER: through aereatore, the inserted from a hole in bottom and sealed small tube is anch' it with silicone. Poichè the silicone would not have glue the rubber, has used a pezzetto of small tube of glass, recovered from the inside of a broken termoriscaldatore. Indispensable in this case the use of one not-return valve. LIGHTING SYSTEM: compact light bulb to saving 7w 6500 kelvin, model "Olive", marks "to Biemmegi" with E27 attack (small screw), but other Marches and of the Philips of the same kind are found also (series PLE Cold version Extra/865). From the photos what is looked at has had fargli in order to make it us to enter (some millimeter in more and had to renounce!!). "I have opened" the attack to screw of the lamp (where there is also the micro-reactor) fusing the plastic with a saldatore from electronics, and I have removed the attack connecting directly the two spins to those of one extends. The reflector is covered of blue adhesive paper, in order to reflect the blue member but not that white woman (7w/lt.!!!), increasing therefore the °kelvin. The "plafoniera", in wood, was the base of an old one lume from room of years 70, and has been "dug" in order to gain the center of the light bulb. Last Qust' is separated from the surface of the water from a cut glass to measure. Curiosity: this picoreef has the cycle day-night invert, that is the lights are ignited to the four of the afternoon and they are extinguished to the three of night: poichè they are often to the computer


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Is this a translation of that internet page? Wow. Here are a few things I gleaned from the work.

1. builder has tapped the bottom of the container and fitted it with the raw element of a heater module. Sealed it back together with silicone. This is particularly tricky in a nano, as any submerged intrusion is not easy to seal for months on end. It can be done however if the parts are mated and glued precisely.

2. builder is using the remote sensor system on this pico which is basically a lab-grade setup with precise digital controlling. His temp never fluxes. Items of this nature can be purchased at www.aquaticeco.com and are not cheap. it also seems like he has constructed simpler controllers from larger units, to run a certain on/off function on his lighting and heater/temp control mechanism.

3. builder appears to refer to a power compact light souce called an "olive" which is remarkable because that is exactly what they look like on the internet page. He mentions using selectively reflective material that enhances blue spectrum while inhibiting white spectrum reflection. This is obviously working well and the lighting looks very balanced in the pictures.

4. I believe we have clarification this is a powered unit, the water is not static like we discussed earlier. Apparently he is using an airstone to move water.


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Here is the picture you requested which will hopefully give a much better idea of the size of my 1 gallon globe.


  • p1010030.jpg
    165.7 KB · Views: 2,163


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When I saw your picture, it made me have to go back and look at the lighting you described in the opening post. Clearly that bulb is going to work well, it looks like a MH over it


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:) He, yet another avenue of the internet I didn't know. I want to apply for a job as an interpretation interpreter, figure the best attempt is to hit the market early with a sturdy resume.

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That looks very sweet!!!!! Did you end up using the air bubbles to create circulation? Also i have had great sucess with using pins as long as thier base does not have any rubble on it.


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Chris, how's it coming still? Have you added any new coral? Keep us updated, because there is much potential in that reef and we think it's a cutting-edge design to have in our Forum.

Brandon M.

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