I started a 1 gallon about 6 months ago. Since then I wanted a little life so I decided to experiment with a fish.
I added a blue damsel 4 months ago to this one gallon. It has 2.5 lbs of LR and an inch of crushed coral substrate. I have a 25-watt heater a small power head, no filtration. The light is only a 5-watt normal bulb (not florescent). There are no corals.
Well, with absolutely NO water changes and just a little top off once every two weeks, the fish is doing awesome. He has started a little nest. It's cool to see him cleaning up and moving things around building up his home. I know that’s all fine and well but what about ammonia?
I've tested every two weeks and still no hint! Nitrate and Nitrite test are also all gooooooood.
I feed him a few formula 1 pellets once a week.
The tank also has 3 blue-legged hermits, an unknown type of nudi (came with the rock) and 1 nasurius snail.
So far a blue damsel is doing well but I don't think I'd put any other type in a small tank except for maybe a goby or another type of damsel. Of course that would be the only fish.
Just thought I'd share.
Shaun Legacy
I added a blue damsel 4 months ago to this one gallon. It has 2.5 lbs of LR and an inch of crushed coral substrate. I have a 25-watt heater a small power head, no filtration. The light is only a 5-watt normal bulb (not florescent). There are no corals.
Well, with absolutely NO water changes and just a little top off once every two weeks, the fish is doing awesome. He has started a little nest. It's cool to see him cleaning up and moving things around building up his home. I know that’s all fine and well but what about ammonia?
I've tested every two weeks and still no hint! Nitrate and Nitrite test are also all gooooooood.
I feed him a few formula 1 pellets once a week.
The tank also has 3 blue-legged hermits, an unknown type of nudi (came with the rock) and 1 nasurius snail.
So far a blue damsel is doing well but I don't think I'd put any other type in a small tank except for maybe a goby or another type of damsel. Of course that would be the only fish.
Just thought I'd share.
Shaun Legacy