Right, I know that lots of people have nanos, that everyone has posted there pictures AND that a lot of them look fantastic!
However, its not my nano which is soooo much better then everyone elses nano, Now I can hear you already saying "What makes it better then everyone elses?" Well, I'll tell you!
Its because It's MINE hehehe :wink:
Seriously tho I have just set it up (about two hours old) and its still settling
Now its an Via Aqua Curved glass aquarium with intergrated lighting and bio filtration (which I am not sure if I will use)
The lighting that comes with it is currantly being used BUT I will be replacing that with power compact lighting (Will stuff it full of power compacts I think )
Its only got 2 kilos of LR right now and about 20 kilos or Agronite (Raw suger grain sized) I am not going to do with a DSB because one the tanks a little too small for it (I might put a small sump in the stand and put a DSP in there) AND because its difficult trying to get LS over here and other reasons
This is my first Marine aquarium but I have been researching for about two years (and am also setting up an 80G that ones just taking much longer)
I didn't really know what to look for in really good LR so I choose the most interesting looking peices I could get at the time and I think I did well!
as for my stocking plan, I hope to have two clown fish in it for a few months untill my larger tank is ready and then see if I can keep them in there (Hope the tank will be large enough for two clown fish) and a clean up crew but I'm not sure yet on what clean up crew (I can't get the same things as you guys cause i'm in australia)
Oh btw them two green pipes are from my Eheim 2028 Canister filter which I'm using just for now to clear the water of the white powerder in the tank and in 45 Minutes it turned it from milky white to what you see in the picture
Well heres da picture!
However, its not my nano which is soooo much better then everyone elses nano, Now I can hear you already saying "What makes it better then everyone elses?" Well, I'll tell you!
Its because It's MINE hehehe :wink:
Seriously tho I have just set it up (about two hours old) and its still settling
Now its an Via Aqua Curved glass aquarium with intergrated lighting and bio filtration (which I am not sure if I will use)
The lighting that comes with it is currantly being used BUT I will be replacing that with power compact lighting (Will stuff it full of power compacts I think )
Its only got 2 kilos of LR right now and about 20 kilos or Agronite (Raw suger grain sized) I am not going to do with a DSB because one the tanks a little too small for it (I might put a small sump in the stand and put a DSP in there) AND because its difficult trying to get LS over here and other reasons
This is my first Marine aquarium but I have been researching for about two years (and am also setting up an 80G that ones just taking much longer)
I didn't really know what to look for in really good LR so I choose the most interesting looking peices I could get at the time and I think I did well!
as for my stocking plan, I hope to have two clown fish in it for a few months untill my larger tank is ready and then see if I can keep them in there (Hope the tank will be large enough for two clown fish) and a clean up crew but I'm not sure yet on what clean up crew (I can't get the same things as you guys cause i'm in australia)
Oh btw them two green pipes are from my Eheim 2028 Canister filter which I'm using just for now to clear the water of the white powerder in the tank and in 45 Minutes it turned it from milky white to what you see in the picture
Well heres da picture!