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Right, I know that lots of people have nanos, that everyone has posted there pictures AND that a lot of them look fantastic!

However, its not my nano which is soooo much better then everyone elses nano, Now I can hear you already saying "What makes it better then everyone elses?" Well, I'll tell you!

Its because It's MINE hehehe :wink:

Seriously tho I have just set it up (about two hours old) and its still settling

Now its an Via Aqua Curved glass aquarium with intergrated lighting and bio filtration (which I am not sure if I will use)

The lighting that comes with it is currantly being used BUT I will be replacing that with power compact lighting (Will stuff it full of power compacts I think :P)

Its only got 2 kilos of LR right now and about 20 kilos or Agronite (Raw suger grain sized) I am not going to do with a DSB because one the tanks a little too small for it (I might put a small sump in the stand and put a DSP in there) AND because its difficult trying to get LS over here and other reasons

This is my first Marine aquarium but I have been researching for about two years (and am also setting up an 80G that ones just taking much longer)

I didn't really know what to look for in really good LR so I choose the most interesting looking peices I could get at the time and I think I did well!

as for my stocking plan, I hope to have two clown fish in it for a few months untill my larger tank is ready and then see if I can keep them in there (Hope the tank will be large enough for two clown fish) and a clean up crew but I'm not sure yet on what clean up crew (I can't get the same things as you guys cause i'm in australia)

Oh btw them two green pipes are from my Eheim 2028 Canister filter which I'm using just for now to clear the water of the white powerder in the tank and in 45 Minutes it turned it from milky white to what you see in the picture

Well heres da picture!


  • dscn0702.jpg
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the two clowns should be just fine. They are in my 10g.
Will you be painting the back of the tank? Looks like a good start so far, keep us updated with pics. Welcome to our nano world.
Shaun Legacy


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Hi shalegac
I'm not too sure about what I will be doing with the back, I was thinking about painting it but I'm worried that if I don't like it I wont be able to change it!

Its good to know I can have two clowns in my tank, I didn't want to split them up but I didn't want them to be cramped in a small tank!


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Hey there Zac, definately welcome to the Nano forum here at Reefs.Org

We want to have pictures and descriptions of everyone's nano tank, beginner to seasoned reef aquarist. Our readers always benefit from reading threads about newly set-up systems, many have come here to get ideas on setting up their new nano. Your via aqua is a popular tank!

Many people on here will know the perfect light retrofit as soon as your ready, and we will inundate you with tons of links to buy these kits over the net as soon as you have the dollar$ :) (Thats always my limiting factor)

This site allows the best picture uploading on the net, we'll enjoy seeing update pics of your system as it matures over time. Welcome



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I am keeping it clean right now :eek:)
I want to make sure it looks neat because its in the lounge room.

But it will have many gadgets coming for it soon

I intend to create a small skimmer thats made of out glass and attacted to the back of the tank (My LFS had one on there holding tank and it was working really well!) or will be under the tank in the sump that I need to make, also want to look into a Calcium reactor but I think thats a while off now since I just started it.

Just wish there was a way to do automatic top off


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I believe a auto topoff wouldn't be too hard to setup, especially with a sump. There are several different ways of accomplishing it...drip method, nurce topoff, a float valve, or a float switch. Some crazy fools even invest in dosing pumps for their nanos. You have several options, and we can help you with whichever one you decide to use.


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hehehe I want an auto top off!

Its not the difficulty of making it, its where to put it, Since I would need a large quantity of water for the top off I would need to put the vessel somewhere and the only place to keep it neat is under the tank in the stand which is really small hahaha!

But alas when the time comes I'm sure I will get it in there :D


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Sounds like you intend to DIY most of your gadgets... I like your style. An auto topoff system is a breeze. I built one using a float switch from http://www.mcmaster.com, an air pump, some tubing, and a five gallon water jug (with a srew on lid). When the water level in my sump/fuge gets too low, the air pump kicks on via the float switch putting air into the water jug. The air displaces the water and pushes it out another tube into my sump/fuge. IMO it can't get much simpler than that. You could even have the water container in another room--just run the tubing and cords through a small hole in the wall behind the stand where no one will see. HTH.



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Yeah I want to make most of it my self, I could buy it or have it made but its just not as much fun!

I like the idea of a different room but I rent and the walls are concrete so its not really doable, but I will keep that in mind for when I move into my own home!

I intend to get it the way I want, But I will probly end up with a tightfitting nano stand hahaha

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