I think there is a product that will remedy some of your concerns. As I mentioned earlier, I too am having a red-algae outbreak that is just about to bring me to the point of starting over on the reefbowl. A fellow hobbyist and myself were talking about this at the LFS and he recommended a product called Chemi-Clean from boyd's enterprises. Normally I would not use a medication or additive to control algae, IMO its a stocking and maintenance issue that can be remedied naturally. But I have grown lazy on WChanges so I agreed to try it. The dosage is about 1/16 gram per 10 gallons, and its a strong oxidizing powder---most likely postassium in some mixture.
I realize green algae is the bulk of your concerns but this stuff is as close to a miracle cure for red cyano as Ive ever seen. In two days my red cyano is all gone, and thats exactly the stuff I see on your substrate. It will simply cause it to disappear, and it did not affect my corals even though I dosed it into a one gallon reef. Guessing at the dosage was a rascal but it worked--my corals are fine and the red is GONE>
My endorsement of this product is purely from the hobbyist POV and not as a RDO moderator! I just want to pass on this product's freakish ability to digest red cyano into nothing. Wow.
Good luck