hello everyone. i have between 16-20 lbs. of live rock, one 1.5 inch tomato clown, a 1.5 inch pygmy angel, a camel shrimp(which i have read differing opinions on its canidacy for a reef tank), a 1 inch blue finned damsel(which i am in the process of getting rid of), 4 turbo snails, 5 small blue leg hermits, a bubble tip anemone, a "curly-que anemone"(came on my live rock), some ricordea(about 12 polyps), and some newly acquired 'umbrella coral'(latin name, i think, is sarcophyton glaucum). I also have upgraded the lighting to the Custom Sea-Life 32 Watt Smartlamp retrofit and have a zoo-med powersweep powerhead.
My problem is that the day after i introduced the umbrella coral to my tank, my bubble tip shrank up(during the time my lights are on). Is it reacting in this manner because of the umbrella? I have been reading sooo many different sites trying to figure out what is wrong but i have not had any luck. if anyone has any ideas on what i should do, it would be much appreciated. thank you, ever-so-much.
My problem is that the day after i introduced the umbrella coral to my tank, my bubble tip shrank up(during the time my lights are on). Is it reacting in this manner because of the umbrella? I have been reading sooo many different sites trying to figure out what is wrong but i have not had any luck. if anyone has any ideas on what i should do, it would be much appreciated. thank you, ever-so-much.